Thursday, May 20, 2010

Excellent service recovery by CISCO

I posted a blog to share my bad experience with replacing a faulty videocam. I received an e-mail from the customer advocacy senior manager of CISCO asking to talk to me. We had a conversation at the arranged time. He listened attentively and positively to my experience and suggestions. He found several of the suggestions to be practical and useful and will be implementing them.

From my past experience, this is one of the rare occasions that the customer service manager is interested to listen, and really listen, to the customer. I hope that this excellent example of service recovery will be emulated by other organisations. Well done to CISCO.

I also hope that CISCO will act promptly to simplify its process to make it easy for its customers to submit their feedback and claim for replacement of faulty products.

Tan Kin Lian


  1. That means the Senior manager has a genuine interest to improve the customer experience.. Well Done CISCO.

  2. Companies are more attentive when negative publicity reach audiences via blogs or other information channels.
    Hence the better response.

  3. Why should there be a response ONLY after you have posted a blog?
    - What were they doing before?
    - What if, you didn't post the blog?
    - Would you have gotten the same response, and from a "senior manager"?

    Rare occassion is a good description for this should be pre not post, and especially only after the bad experience has been posted on the internet. This is more like to cover their inadequacies as they know you will then publish their response.. as you have now done.

    The customer service should be properly" trained? at the front end, not only when there are negative feedback in the internet. There could have been more of such incidences, but people may not have, as you have blogged in in the internet

  4. soojenn
    Send an email to me at I wish to talk to you.
    CISCO takes the trouble to call me. That is a great step.
    Many large organisations in Singapore will not speak to a customer, even if the customer tries to contact them.
    So, our Singapore organisations have a long, long way to go.
    I have posted comments about other organisations and none of them bother to call me. They are still waiting for permission from their CEO to call me.
    That is the style in Singapore. Nobody wants to take the resonsibility and the CEO is too busy to consider such matter.

  5. Big shots in certain big organizations actually do not live up to expectation.They are simply concern abt the bottom line only.They usually take the clients and customers for many rides.
    It is only time will tell that these peoples will deserve their own desserts when the time are riped.They behave like kings and thought that we need them more than they need us.If I would like you to name them,the long list will go on and on.
    It will be too late once they realised their short-comings.

