Thursday, May 20, 2010

Why we should identifying ourselves as souls?

Extract from Tommy Wong's book, "Wisdom on How to Live Life"

Tom: What is the problem identifying ourselves as the body?
Guru: If we identify ourselves with the body only, then we won’t want the body to die because when the body dies, it’s also the end of our beings.
Tom: Yes, that’ll be a problem, because we don’t want to lose our beings.
Guru: Exactly! So the problem is after we’re born, there is no way not to die.
Tom: Sounds like we’re at a death trap. Is there any way out?
Guru: Humans are blessed beings. So how can the Divine lay a death trap for us?
Tom: But the body will die, and there is no way out!
Guru: Bingo, the secret is that we’re not the body.
Tom: Oh yes, you said that we’re the soul and not the body.
Guru: Well remembered!
Tom: How will that help us?
Guru: If we identify ourselves as souls and our souls continue to live even after the death of our bodies, then we’ll not be too concerned with the death of our bodies.

Tommy Wong

Tommy Wong's book can be purchased online here.


  1. May me asks:

    What if the soul is an evil one?

    Does anyone still wants it to live on?

    To me, it's lucky that the stench will not stay long with the body gone, otherwise it will be haunting.

  2. But what if "this " is all there is, and all that ever will be?

    Like deaf frogs & white shirted homo sapiens, maybe humans don't have souls either.

    What if our body is all there is and all that ever will be?

    What then?

  3. Soul or not, there's a name to every human being, for the nonentities, the names disappear with their bodies.

    White-shirted homo sapiens in SIN are different, their names can be fond memories or remain as haunting invisible stenches for a long time to come.

  4. Nothing to lose and more to gain in believing there is soul. Why?

    If we believe there is soul but actually there is none and when we die we don't lose nothing since death is the end.

    But if we believe there is no soul and actually there is and when we die and we will lose big time since death is not the end.

    So better play safe and believe there is soul after death.

  5. Can we constantly live in peace if there is always fear in our heart?

    Is it possible for someone not to have fear?


  6. More Singapore Philosophy.

    Ref. Straits Times, page A32, on our DPM Teo.

    "It takes two hands to clap"
    - But only one hand will receive a million dollar salary

    "A fish rots from the head down"
    - And the first sign is a permanent loss of hearing

    Singapore Philosopher

  7. Ha! Ha!
    Let's compile a list of the signs and symptoms of a rotting fish head.

    1. Loss of hearing

    2. Inability to do things for yourself.
    Hence the need to outsource, regulate with a light touch, hire consultants, hire foreign talent.

    3. Loss of coordination amongst the various body parts.
    The police refers you to CAD, who refers you to FIDREC and etc.

    4. Growing loss of empathy towards the general community combined with a desire to spur said community forward in ever cheaper, better and faster directions.

  8. Doesn't truth matter? Where is the evidence for souls?

    Death is a perfectly natural part of life?

    Why shouldn't it be accepted with equanimity?
