Friday, May 07, 2010

Screening of Laptop

In many airports, the laptop can be kept in the luggage to be screen together through the metal detector. In Singapore airport, the laptop has to be removed from the luggage to be screened separately. This adds one more hassle. Are we creating too much hassle in Singapore?

Some airports require a person to remove the shoes and belt. This is not required in Singapore. So, we do have one less hassle in Changi.


  1. Mr. Tan,

    The airports in Thailand, Macau, Shanghai also asked me to remove my laptop.

    I think the reason is because laptops, with its large circuit board and metallic materials, tend to create a dark shadow in the X-ray. This would obscure the vision of objects within the shadow, hence the need to remove the laptops prior to scanning.

  2. not necessary, bangkok also requires laptop to be taken out

  3. One less hassle at Changi can become a big issue unless they have a way to ascertain that those items are safe. Otherwise shoe-bombers may use Changi as their boarding point.

  4. Do we really need to experience a 911 before we accept there's a need for tighter security?

    Is your safety or your convenience more important to you?

  5. I believe the US were the first to introduce the remove-laptop measure considering 9-11 happened in their own backyard.

    Since then, many other places like Hong Kong, places mentioned in the above comment and Singapore have follow suit.

  6. There is a fine balance between security and convenience. The ideal is to have both, but it might not be possible, due to time, resources etc.

    So if can't even take the "hassle" of removing the laptop to aid in making the skyline a secure place,then, maybe the issue might be with that person?

  7. I think it is a great hassle and even stressful to those who are forgetful, like older people.

    Some even develop obsessive compulsive disorder(OCD) as a result. They will check and recheck to make sure nothing is lost.

  8. Mr Tan, what countries have you visited? All countries that I've flown too explicitly requires everyone to remove the laptop and place it in a separate tray. It cannot be in the bag. This to me is not only a hassle but a big risk considering laptop thefts are so common at airports.

  9. Personally, I prefer everyone and everything to be thoroughly checked and double checked. Some inconvenience in exchange for a smooth and peaceful flight is worth all the trouble.

    Those enforcement guys at the frontline all over the world are really doing a thankless jobs. When nothing happens people take the safety they enjoy for granted. But when things went wrong they are the one to take the blame.

    Let us have a KitKat and give them a break.


  10. Reply to 2.53 pm
    I just returned from KL. They screened my carry on bag twice and do not require the laptop to be removed.

  11. It is not a matter of whether we want security at the airport.

    It is a matter of whether the security measures are effective, and whether there are other ways to achieve security that gives less hassle.

    We need to observe and see if there are better ways. I am not sure if the people at Changi airport are keeping up to date and if they balance hassle with security.
