Friday, May 07, 2010

Why is the world in such a state?

Extract from Tommy Wong's book, "Wisdom on How to Live your Life"

Tom: Why the world is in such a state?
Guru: The world is like our home. It depends on the people living in it and what they do to it.
Tom: We certainly don’t look after our planet.
Guru: You can say that again.
Tom: We certainly don’t look after our planet.
Guru: Well said. If we don’t look after our home, it’ll be in a mess, right? So why are you surprised that the world is in such a state?
Tom: Because the world is supposed to be looked after by leaders who are clever and smart.
Guru: But what happens if they’re misguided?
Tom: You mean smart people can be misguided?
Guru: Smartness is a double-edge sword. It can heal or kill.
Tom: How can we heal the world?
Guru: By having the right concept.
Tom: What is the right concept?
Guru: We are souls and not bodies.
Tom: Guru Harry, this concept is not new. We’ve been told about this thousands of years ago. So why is the world still in such a mess?
Guru: Because many listen but few practice it.
Tom: You mean such a simple concept can help the world?
Guru: It can bring heaven to Earth.

Tommy Wong

You can order this book online.


  1. Dr Tommy Wong wrote:

    (Tom: Guru Harry, this concept is not new. We’ve been told about this thousands of years ago. So why is the world still in such a mess?)

    Confucius said: "The way out is through the door. Why is it that no one will use this method?"

  2. Well said. Bringing heaven to earth could happen in one's heart and it makes lot of differences. The spiritual health is an ingredient to creativity which Singapore badly needed for the new economy not more and more foreign workers nor more and more migrants.

  3. I guess it's human nature driven by fear & greed regardless how smart leaders are. I think we are on an endless road to achieving the right balance. However, even the idea of balance is relative from diverse perceptions by man. Now we r facing sovereign debt issues in europe, i just hope that us treasuries would not be the last string to break.

  4. just a childish mind thinking and story...good for primary school students!

  5. Whatever concepts, will remain as concepts.. how will we pay for rice and vegetables?
    I am not interested in cars or homes, just food, air and water

    How will I get them in Singapore if I do not have anything to pay or exchange it for?

    Air is safe here for now and it is free..



    Can I exchange them for my laptop, clothes, furniture, jewllery?

  6. the things Guru Dick said breaks my heart but what he said is all true, very true.

  7. How is "Guru Harry"? Is he Harry Lee? The whole paragraph is quite cryptic.

    1. The Guru claimed that the "right" concept is "we are souls and not bodies"

    2. By using this concept, the Guru claims that we can heal the world if we "practice" this concept and we can bring "heaven" to Earth

    Right. How does this concept linked to smartness and misguided again?

    No wonder I cannot trust management consultants.
