Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Toxic fumes in industrial building

Dear Mr. Tan
I work in an industrial estate complex belonging to a listed industrial REIT in Ang Mo Kio Ave 10. Since late last year, a unit next to the ground floor lift lobby have been discharging a foul smelling air. This pervades the lift lobby and on cold days, drifts up to even the third and fourth floor. The smell of this discharging is nauseating although the discharge is intermittent and the intensity varies from time to time.

I was wondering if the gas is toxic or carcinogenic. So I sent a mail to NEA and also notified the management of the building. After much tai-chi and wayang, the situation did not change significantly and I think no real measurements and test of the air was done after a full 6 months.

What can we do to these people especially the NEA? Are they not supposed to act like civil servants looking after the people's health and interest? Must we wait until someone dies or get cancer before something happens?



  1. I think you should visit your MP and talk to them. Your area GRC is very powerful i.e PM Lee is there.

    As usual, things only move when big shot is involve and then when problem solve, big shot takes credit. Very important way of doing things especially when election is near. As for NEA, why should they deal with it if only one person complain?

  2. It is delighting to read your blog. It is serious and worthwhile reading. I am a retiree too and looking for ways to improve my retiree lifestyle. I hope you have found a good way of retiring.

  3. why dun you write to the feedback unit ?

  4. Govt definition of biohazard or hazmat must have quick and obvious negative symptoms such as unconscious, vomiting, blindness, blisters on skin, bleeding, death etc. Otherwise the overall standing order shall be not to disturb GDP contributing activities.

    As for carcinogenic --- as long as 10 or 20 years down the road then is still acceptable, contribute to future hospital GDP for silver industry. They will blame you for being not hard striving and no spurs in your backside such that you're still willing to breathe in the smelly air for next 10 years, instead of striving for better job and getting out of your own predicament.

  5. The NEA officers like many others are probably doing sidelines to make ends meet. The thinking nowadays is if not paid enough then will be corrupt, so what is doing an honest sideline? Just wayang and keep the job and make more money to retire comfortably. This is the new culture of greed.

  6. Notify The New Paper. Sensationalise a bit. If published, the civil servants will panic like spider and spring to action immediately

    Another way is to see your MP

    Good Luck


  7. Call the civil defence and tell them you smell some weird gas.

  8. Sad, but as the writer believe, Singapore is now a "City-State" that will only re-act to significant "statistics". The PM almost said so during the last Rally Speech !
    How I wish, I am proven wrong !

  9. Actually air pollution is more serious in Singapore than people thought. If you work in the factories in Jurong West or live in that area, you would realise this.
    The air there has an acrid smell when the sea winds blow inland.
    Potential HDB buyers should consider other areas like Jurong east, considering that Jurong island with its chemical industries is just opposite JW.
    In Europe, such industries are not permitted near residential areas, as chemical pollution leads to residents contracting cancer.
    Jurong Island's development is the baby of PM Lee, before he was diagnosed with cancer, and if he was diagnosed earlier before the JI
    develoment, he would have consider the site more carefully, and may have sited it further away.

  10. Don't forget the AGM today at 7th level NTUC House , Shenton way.Your chance to decide what you want, your representative, director to take care of your policies and many other issues.

  11. This is interesting.

    Maybe you should try your Member of Parliament.

    But which MP should you approach?

    The MP who looks after you in your home address. Or the MP in which the smelly building is located?

    Or maybe the Health Minister, since this concerns health.

    Or maybe the Minister in charge of "cheaper, better, faster". Since there has got to be a cheaper, better, faster way to resolve this.

    Or maybe you need to be more rugged and stop being such a sissy. Be a man. Help make Singapore a more rugged society.

    In any case, it's clear you have not exhausted all the avenues.

  12. Have you try complaining to MOM?

  13. Mr Tan:

    me thinks You need not do anything about the smell and or fume.

    What You breathe in this tiny land will also be breathe by all, including all the Ministers.

    They don't seemed to be much alarmed or perturbed; i do not think they carry oxygen tanks with them either.


  14. it is the responsibility of the building Owner to address the issue. In this case, the MCST thru' the Management Agent should carry out a thorough investigation into the smell problem, which should include the engaging of a professional firm to do air sampling and air monitoring.

    There is no use in seeking NEA, MOM or even SCDF (Hazmat) to investigate because the premises is a private entity. What these agencies would do is to conduct a first-line check to assess the risk and only investigate further if it deem necessary to protect the greater public e.g. chemical-terrorist, explosion-risk etc, otherwise the owners should carry out their own investigation. Note that the agencies are using tax-payers money. They can't and will not undertake any investigation just because someone complain etc.

  15. If the owners (a listed REIT) play tai-chi, what can tenants or people working at the building do?

    If a worker push the issue, he will be black-marked by his employer.

    If a tenant who is an SME push the issue, he will be black-marked by the REIT; asked to move out when the contract ends -> incurring unnecessary cost in renovation.

    They just want to collect rent!

  16. Can't the NEA or other agencies order the building owner to investigate?

    After-all, the discharge goes to the lift-lobby, which is a common area accessible to the public although it is in a private premise.

  17. What if the building owner do not want to address issue?

    Get lawyer and file a suit?

    It's back to $$$, maybe to get it from the one who complain in order to address issue.

  18. The message is clear.

    If you are still alive after 6 months
    - and still got energy to complain
    - it can't be so bad
    - so let's continue to ignore you

    If there are ill effects which will only show up after 20 years, it's still not so bad because company profits will not be affected.
    - - And very difficult to pin-point the blame to the toxic fumes after 20 years.

    And that my friends is a good example of how to solve a problem in Singapore
    - the "cheaper", "better" and "faster" way

    Bottom-line. Unless you drop dead on the job, there will be no further action.

    Teach lees, learn more
    Breathe less, live more.
