Thursday, May 27, 2010

Why no need to worry about dying

Extract from Tommy Wong's book, "Wisdom on How to Live Life"

Tom: How are you, Guru Harry?
Guru: I’m very well, Tom.
Tom: I thought the doctor said that you only have a few more days to live.
Guru: Yes, that’s true. But that only means I’ll leave my body in a few days time.
Tom: You mean you’re not worried about dying?
Guru: Well, dying means the soul is separated from the body but the soul will continue to live while the body is left behind. You know we are souls and not bodies, so why should I worry?
Tommy Wong's book can be purchased here.


  1. In this world, there is such thing as spirits and retribution. A person who has done bad fears the final moment.

  2. Live LIFE to the fullest as DEATH is inevitable.

  3. A man who has power and wealth or vice-versa will regret that he/she cannot live forever. This, i am very sure. Even if heaven beckons, he/she will not bear to part with their possessions.


  4. Some people worry about Death because they want to cling on to Mateialism and never willing to let go!

    In death, you have to leave everything behind..........."Come to this World naked and return naked"

  5. This is deeply refreshing and enlightening especially the way in which the guru replied.

    "I will leave my body in a few days"

    Most people fear death, as though leaving this skin bag of filth is wrong or dreadful. Like the oracle saying to Neo (Matrix3)

    "Everything that has a beginning has an end."


  6. The theory base on the notion that we have soul.

    Some people claim that they experienced near death experience and came back to tell their tales. Unfortunately research has shown that near death experienced could be emulate using a drug called Ketamine.

    But other observations showed that the dead could reincarnate and remember their past life.

  7. "If you have fear of some pain or suffering, you should examine whether there is anything you can do about it. If you can, there is no need to worry about it; if you cannot do anything, then there is also no need to worry."
    — Dalai Lama XIV

    Can we do anything about dying? I don't think so. Whether we have a soul or not, we will die eventually, so why worry about it? Why not live in the present?

  8. REX comments as follows,

    I find this extract from the book very shallow.
    It is quite obvious for me that people fear death because of pain associated with death, not Death itself. We go through "death" every night. When we fall asleep, it is like dying. Why should anyone be afraid of dying if it is like that? There is nothing to fear.

    Unfortunately only very few lucky people "die peacefully" without a preceeding period of pain. The real fear is the pain associated with Death.

    Pain can be physical. As in, invasive diseases that cause great physical discomfort. The use of medication creates other uncomfortable sometimes humiliating degrading side effects.

    Excruciating pain, who isn't afraid? Havent we heard of such unlucky people who ask god to quickly terminate their life rather than to face pain? And mercy killing?

    Who's afraid of death? They are just afraid of pain, it is very difficult to bear pain.

    Pain can be mental too. We think: if we die, who will take care of xxx ? We think: if we die, what will become of xxx?

    If death does not carry with it the element of Pain, i think most people would gladly commit suicide when the going gets tough.

    If i may say so, looking at it in a twisted way, there is a need for people to fear death, otherwise, too many people will take the easy way out given the impossible circumstances which might befall them in the course of life.


  9. The Pain of losing ones' possession, power and love is slow and excruciating.

    And the most painful feeling about the fear of not able to hold on to the possession, power and love is that there is no medication to reduce or terminate the pain.

    Sad end for such people.


  10. We all have a purpose in being.
    Find that purpose.

    It could be criminal
    It could be cruel
    It could be pleasurable

    Find the purpose.

  11. I think the fear of death is because of the fear of the unknown. This is why Christians do not fear death as they believe that they are going to a better place.

  12. i do agreed with rex that the extract from the book is shallow. i am not afraid of death (now), except for the fact that i have two toddlers who needs my utmost care.

  13. When our responsibilities for our family is more or less over, then we may not worry too much about unexpected death.

  14. It is said that death ends the sufferings.


    some say death send them to heaven.

    With the above-mentioned, how is it man(kind) is still afraid of death?


  15. Rex comments as follows,

    Falcon @2.35am said that people fear death because of fear of the "unknown".

    In my opinion, the appropriate human response to "unknown" is "Curiosity". We are curious, rather than fearful, if there is something unknown. For example, if there is a door, and no one tells you what you get when you open the door, do we feel "fear" or "curiosity"??. I don't think it is "Fear" at all. How can you fear something if you don't even know what it is? You have to first know what it is. So the first feeling is Curiosity, not Fear!!
    No one fears death becaue of the unknown. We are more like "curious" when we think about what happens after death.

    But hell, we fear death because death is PAINFUL!!! Chistians don't fear death? I suppose they try to muzzle their feelings of fear of Pain with the "comfort" that after the Pain there will be endless happiness. Same as Muslims, the Koran also promises much goodies.

    It is a happy way to deal with the fear of Pain, arguably much better than taking morphine and painkillers. Those who can control their fear of Pain through religion, it is very blessed gift.

    But being human, pain - physical pain - really is a big problem for many of us. Especially myself. I am very fearful of pain, even toothaches etc. The thought of it creates fear already. How can i not fear death? It is painful.

