Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Investing in SGX

FISCA will be organising monthly talks on investing in the ETF, REITS and blue chip shares of SGX. The talk will be for 3 hours and will be conducted by a knowledgeable person, based on the principles set out in my book, Practical Guide on Financial Planning. Tentatively, the fee for the talk will be $30 (public) and $10 (members).

I encourage the public to attend the talk and be educated about these types of investments. I encourage investing in SGX as the prices and information are transparent and the investor has the opportunity to buy or sell these products at a low cost. This ensures that the consumers are not taken advantage by the issuer, in the case of structured products that are created by them.

Tan Kin Lian


  1. Mr Tan,

    When will this talk begin? I have read your book and i must say it has been an enriching read.Thank you.

  2. Dear Mr Tan,
    Thanks for helping to publicise this investment talk. Investing in SGX blue chip stocks, ETFs and REITS are definitely better than investing in complicated "dubious" investment products (e.g. structured products, certain bonds and land banking products). I have been investing in SGX blue chip stocks, STI ETF and a few REITS for past two years and is glad to say have made quite substantial returns from my investments so far. My approach is long term value investing and I have picked up on my own through reading on the topics of value investing and investing psychology, so I highly commend the know nothing person to gain knowledge in investing in equities starting from our SGX equities market.

    Gaining investment knowledge for oneself is learning how to fish for oneself. In terms of making investment decisions, I am more careful now than last time before I pick up investment knowledge. No longer will one be easily sized up by salespersons of banks or insurance companies when they peddle complicated investment products or policies (with much hidden clauses) as the customer armed with investment knowledge in equities is able to compare the merits and risks of the potential investment product/policy the salesperson is selling to SGX equities in general.

  3. Another point to note is INSURANCE products are NOT for investment and saving. These products NEVER get you anywhere and nowhere. Bear this in mind and don't make the stupid mistakes which our counterparts in US, UK and Australia have found out and paid a expensive price. let's learn from them.
    The public must be warned against conmen and women peddling these products for their own interest and of course at the bidding of the dishonest insurance companies.
    Don't trust the salesmen.

  4. It is a good move, as we could make investments ourselves, with some help from Fisca, we could take risk in our hands, instead of relying on unknown strangers who play havoc with our money.
    To hell with FIs and insurance companies who con us with complicted disclaimers, being patronized by our dida apa MAS, who most of the time have not an inkling about the investments sold here, and try to act tough to keep its face and image of a Regulator,
    a useless, incompetent one.

  5. The question for you is: Is there any proven and workable methods of investing? I do not want to waste money on theory and be the guinea pig. People say buy blue chips, I bought and today still on paper loss.

    I want something that once I take back from the talk, implement it the next working day, and I already making money. This, I believe is the real need and what everyone wants. With so much experts around, it should not be too much to ask right?

  6. I reckon the talk should be more on understanding the products rather than showing proven and workable trading or investing methods. The first key to investing is never invest anything that you do not understand.

  7. I think the talk would be useful. Best if got success stories. Tired of so many seminars on trading forex, stock markets, etc.

    Hope this is not another one of those wayang type. If the strategy really works, publicised it so that everyone benefits.

    I urge all the experts and don't be selfish and keep all the secrets of making money successfully to yourself. Share with everyone because all of us deserves to be rich.

  8. Shares in SGX does not allow you to do odd-lot buying and selling. For small investor with a small appetite, eg setting $500-100 a month for saving/investing, you will need to accumulate a lump sum to be able to buy SGX blue chip. This increase your investing risk as you are unable to take advantage of dollar cost averaging.
    Don't just limit to SGX market.For as little as $500, you can buy Global Super blue chip
    7 shares of McDonald's Corporation, or
    38 shares of Bank of America Corporation, or
    1 share of Google
    SGX shares, REITS have been issuing new units and loans over the past years.

  9. Hi Mr Tan

    When and where the talk will be taking place? I am interested. Pls email me at for more information once it is available. Thanks
