Monday, July 05, 2010

Are Singaporeans paying for monkeys?

Read this article.


  1. So far I notice the fare has gone up. PTC is not doing justice to the people in Singapore by deceiving them that the distance fare structure will benefit most of us.

  2. These PAP ministers are no monkeys. They are blood sucking creatures.

  3. Life is too good.
    No accountability for high pay.
    A classic fat cat syndrome.
    Not only at minister level. Filters down the entire admin service.

  4. rex comments as follows,

    As Singapore is essentially a Monarchy, the entire question of paying monkeys is completely irrelevant and useless. Subjects of the Monarchy are obliged to pay to the Monarchy, it has been like that throughout the history of mankind.
    Also, please beware, Monarchs have power to behead anyone who call them rude names like monkeys.


  5. The PTC, same like the NWC, are silly and deceiving organisations most of the times.

    Without the transfer rebates. short trips from MRT stations / Depots are much more expensive now, espcially if they are not feeder services.

    This is a novel way to disguise fare increase.

  6. If one pays peanuts and get monkeys, it is reasonable.

    But if we pay millions, and there is still monkey business, it is certainly uncanny.

  7. With regular elections, the comment that Singapore is a monarchy is unfair.

    It may be true that the elections are not entirely fair, but if the majority of people of Singapore are truly unhappy with PAP, they would have lost power a long time ago.

    Take a look at to learn how things can go seriously wrong quickly.

    It could easily happen to Singapore too. But so far, we must be very lucky or the government is doing something right. Or perhaps both.

  8. Whether they are monkeys or not is not an issue. It is the ways they project themselves holier than anybody else and behave with such high decorums that appear truly mightier than the the emperors of yore.

    Take a good look at how leaders of China, the US, UK and any other nations go about meeting their citizens. Do they look sterner than any folks around them? Do their bodyguards stare like ever prepared to draw their arms or swing their fists? The high and mighty dispositions are enough to scare, if not put off most people.

    And it is worse when they claimed to have done everything they could to look after the citizens and here we are in Cyberspace with almost all cursing and telling them how incompetent and irresponsible they are. Yet, for so many years of cyber criticism, none have the gut to participate in all the discussions.

    We have act cool and steady minister that thinks he is a 'betterer' minister and is himself the 'betterest' citizen.


    he was made to hoard the limelights and shows himself most frequently to the public. Is he made to shield, eclipse, dilute and deflect the blights and ugliness of his superiors and colleagues? A female Malay gentlelady parliamentarian working with him is also thrusted to the limelights frequently and she manages to get some positive impressions. Together, they are the 'betterer' parliamentarians and he the 'betterest amongst all?

    Ok, if one is paid millions SINDollars just to do the simple intangible cockings(talking), getting a little shits from the people is still a very lucrative job. After all, if he remains in his hometown, at the 'betterest' he probably could be a successful businessman, but a parliamentarian? Fat hope.


  9. Most of the ministers are ok, but there is only one minister that fits the description of a monkey. This is also deaf and feels so happy with his cpf statement. Now he is betterer and betterest. What a monkey. Give him a peanut, and not a million $$$$ salary

  10. rex comments on yeokh's post, @10.13 am:

    Are you not making a contradiction in your statement : Quote
    It may be true that the elections are not entirely fair, but if the majority of people of Singapore are truly unhappy with PAP, they would have lost power a long time ago. unQuote

    It's precisely because the elections are not entirely fair, that is why pappies didnt lost power!
    With the regular redrafting of the election boundaries, strong anti opposition laws (one man procession is defined as an assembly), ISD, serialised voting slips, dangled carrots prior to election, tamed mass media, systematic suppression of dissemination of contrary views, etc. this kind of environment ensure that incumbent didnt "lost power a long time ago".

    The example of Ireland which is brought up, i do not think much of it. How do you know what is really the situation in Singapore? In other proper democracies, the Press and the general public are able to extract relevant information on their countrie's dealings good or bad.. that is how you get to see that Ireland report.

    Here in singapore, the press is a tamed dog. We know next to nothing of anything bad about singapore, such is the environment created by the media. Climate of fear even extends internationally, critical article writers often get sued till broke.

    I would still think that monarchy exists in singapore. By admitting it, that would make everything happening here very logical and a happy place because it resolves many illogical processes which pervades society here.


  11. What we dislike about is when they make stupid mistakes, they are not only held unaccountable, they still have a thick face to stand on stage and talk-cock as if nothing ever happened.
    Only Almighty God does no wrong-doing, not a human, PAP Ministers and civil servants are human, not God, they should apologise to us,
    and stop blaming others or to Acts of God.

  12. When come to MRT crowding, they use avg space and concluded we are ok as compare with other countries.

    When come MRT Fare, they compare with other countries and concluded we are ok i.e. cheap enough.

    When come to Ministers' Salary, they talk about hard to find talent and the job is tough. The old method will not work for the baby boomers or the internet savy new generation.

    How tough can it be when they are all deaf frogs.

    Time and again, for any issues, all they need to do is present it in their favour and trust the Goon-do Singaporeans believe their tales and vote for them.

    It's going to hurt in the next election.

  13. Rex....

    Unfair rules will not be enough to keep a party in power, especially as those rules are manifest in Singapore.

    If the majority are totally unhappy with the ruling party, they will find themselves out of power very quickly, unfair rules or not.

    People power is awesome but will manifest only when the level of anger is deep and they feel totally hopeless.

    Political change sometimes happen overnight, as has happened many times before in history. But this will only happen here when the majority decide that they really want a change of government.

    The example of Ireland is relevant because until a few years ago, Ireland was almost as prosperous as Singapore, and they followed similar policies.

    I wouldn't take the prosperity of Singapore for granted, despite the fact that many people are finding it difficult to cope with rising costs.

  14. PAP only interested in doing qigong. Where got time to bother about other things?

  15. Well loved monkeys sometimes grow into huge, unmanageable 1,000lb gorillas. A diet of peanuts would not be sufficient. In any case, it's not easy to put a hungry 1,000lb gorilla on a diet.

  16. The monkey has lots of monkey tricks to play Tai Chi........

    If paying peanuts,you get monkeys then what happens if you pay well and also get monkeys? Then I say it is Monkey Business as usual!

    Try Qualified and competent FTs on the job and pay them 1/3salary and see whether they are competent enough.......Time for change.

  17. "Most of the ministers are ok"

    You got to be kidding me. No one, not a single one of them, from the MM to the junior minister, all 82 MPs, are pure crap. I spit on them.

  18. Tribute to The MONKEES!


    Hey, hey, we're the Monkees,
    You never know where we'll be found.
    so you'd better get ready,
    We may be comin' to your town.

  19. Many comments are missing from old threads(topics/posts), are there monkey business happening?


  20. All bloggers, don't even dream of voting in the next Election. These monkeys are really smart, after my 1st chance to go for Election when I was 21 year old, after that, I HAD NEVER get a 2nd another chance to vote again now that I am 46.

    See how clever all these monkeys, and despite I have had stayed in 2 different constituencies before. The residents were ALWAYS advised, WALKOVER !!!

    12 July 2010
