Monday, July 05, 2010

Distance based fare

How is the new distance based fare affecting you? Join this survey.


  1. Mr. Tan

    The system allows only one entry, so I submit here the rest of my regular routes for your compilation. Thanks

    153/186-opp queensway sec sch to aft college green; transfer to 171 & alight at newton mrt
    old fare: $0.91; new fare: $1.09
    increased by 19.8%

    153/186 opp queensway sec sch to aft kheam hock rd
    old fare: $0.69; new fare: $0.81
    increased by 17.4%

    111 c'wealth mrt to royal thai embassy
    old fare: $0.91; new fare: $1.01
    increased by 11%


  2. The people at LTA may have a different statistics to show that MOST COMMUTERS benefit from the New Fares System.


  3. My family of 5 paying more fare, how come the lTA said 2/3 will pay less. Why?

  4. It's bullshit.... I only take the bus for 5 stops, and the price has gone up by 18%....

  5. 2/3 will pay less if and only if you make more than 5 transfer lah hahaha.

    They have perfected the art of increasing fee without the word increase. Make simple things complex, complexer, complexest to confuse, confuser, confusest people. Uniquely Singapore.

  6. THE DISTANCE FARE SHOULD BE REPHRASED AS FARE HIKE !!! At least, commuters will not feel being cheated. We were all earlier advised that the Distance Fare was supposed to REDUCE our fare, and now we are all being cheated.

    Since the implementation of Distance Fare on 3 July 2010, the public have been voicing their annoyance and frustration, however, our Government and all relevant authoriities seem to be keeping SILENT ?!!!

    This evening, I just sent an online feedback to Mr Gerard Ee, Chairman of PTC, I said, my only concern, who is paying for my increased bus fare, and why do commuters travelling on Direct Route have to subsize for those commuters who need to transfer routes?!

    12 July 2010
