Sunday, July 04, 2010

Better, betterer, betterest


  1. Was just talking about this with my wife this morning !
    Soon there will be an Singlish dictionary.
    Maybe " besst" can mean " better than the best" !
    It is illogical, to say the least or should it be " lesser than the least" !

  2. A bad worker blames the tools. In the same way, you can see ministers blaming workers.

  3. Can Singaporeans allow their ministers to be creative and innovative with languages? After all, Lim Swee Say is the Minister that exhort Singaporeans to be extraordinary in everything we do, as such it should include the flexible usage of alien languages.
    What's important is that You understand what he wants You to do and that You carry out his words with actions. That's how effective he has been, don't You agree that he has made NTUC one of the most successful organization in SIN?


  4. This is even better than Boomz! (Ms Ris Low)

    What's next?
    Cheaperer, Betterer, Fasterer

    Pay $2 million every year and I get this nugget of wisdom. Sigh!

    Why is there no Great Singapore Sale when it comes to Ministers' salaries?

  5. To patriot.

    NTUC was a very successful organization BEFORE Lim Swee Say.

    Let's measure NTUC's success AFTER Lim Swee Say leaves NTUC.

  6. I beg to be diff,it is not Mr.Lim Swee Say who make what NTUC IS TODAY, it is the team of Unionists from thE 70s till now 2010 that make it what it is today and not forgetting the hounourable member,the late Dr.Goh Keng Swee.

    a union member,SMMWU

  7. REX comments as follows,

    Re 10.47 post. No sir, i totally and absolutely disagree with the concept of murdering the beauty and correctness of a language in order to explain something. It does its purpose, you are right, the message is put across - but in a crude, unaccpetable fashion. For those with already complete mastery of the language, it is possible to laugh it off and consider it as a form of "wit" .. but do note that every word spoken by important leaders will be copied by the less able and equipped, partically youngsters and school children who have not the privilege yet of a solid foundation in the English Language.

    It is the kind of mentality which you mentioned which gives rise to the widespread acceptance of broken English grammar as "acceptable" Singlish style.

    There is nothing acceptable other than good English and good Chinese and good Tamil and good Malay. We as leaders of society must set the stage correct. I expect that, first and foremost from Leaders of the Nation.

    It is an utter shame and curse that we have such rotten English being presented by a goverhment leader.

    I don't know where to hide my face when i am with friends from other countries. I wish that such murderers of the English language be brought to court and sentenced appropriately.


  8. better work with what you are paid!
    betterer not complain!
    betterest if you suffer like Ex-PMETs

  9. I seldom hear such English word like betterest.......sound like better rest if you are tired of anything!

  10. @Patriot

    You are quite naive to think that what NTUC is today is because of Mr Lim.

  11. My apologies to those that do not concur with me.

    Me must admit that i know little of ntuc as me had never been a union member neither, did i ever had an intention to be a member. However, me read not long ago that ntuc memberships have increased greatly. And i take it that our Mr cool and steady Lim Swee Says' sweet sweet says(talks) must have some effects. Nevertheless, me could be wrong though me does hope that readers do see how much me appreciates Minister Lim.


  12. Come to think of it, me has one suggestion to Minister Lim Swee Say.

    All he needs to do is just to better or improve his English a little. No need to be the best as there will be a limit to the ability of everyman, this is nature. And me wishes that he understand mankind better too, more so for his fellow Singaporeans. Do not just talk sweetly about superlatives and proved himself to be otherwise.

