Sunday, July 04, 2010

Talks on Financial Planning to Students

Calling teachers or student leaders. If you wish to organise a talk on financial planning for the students, read this brochure. It can make a lot of difference to the future financial well-being of the students.


  1. Mr Tan, it's good to see you promoting financial literacy to the masses and the young people. As a nation without any social security and defined benefit plans (aka pension), Singaporeans are responsible for their own retirement. The sad truth is that probably 90% of the people out there are financially illiterate and can easily fall prey to lousy products or worse scam products.

  2. Your talk will help the future consumers to steer clear of insurance agents who are salesmen out to con people.
    Garrett is generous to put the current illiterate consumers at 90%. I reckon it is 99% and this includes salesmen of financial products . Sure to get good and appropriate advice when these conmen and women licensed by MAS are not qualified even and out to steal your money? The consumers are not protected and they are like pigs queuing up to be slaughtered.
    Well, done Mr. Tan. You are doing a great service when the people who are paid million dollar salary are not and still want more salary.

  3. Tell these youngsters that insurance agents are people who can't get a job and attracted to the industry by promise of get rich quick scheme offered by insurance companies..
    If they are interested in finance they should have strong moral values , honest and get a proper qualification to help people who entrust their future in their hands.

  4. Muhammad Yusuf Bin OsmanJuly 06, 2010 2:17 PM

    Mr Tan,

    Would you be comfortable giving such talks in a CC? I think your analysis is quite good and am considering your offer since it would definitely benefit our youths.

  5. Reply to Muhammad Yusuf
    For a CC talk, I like to charge a fee of $600 to give revenue to FISCA. Details can be found here:
    Your CC memebers can also attend the talk to be held by FISCA (see $30 for non-members, $10 for members.
