Friday, July 09, 2010

How does believing we are souls help us in our daily lives?

Extract from book, Wisdom on how to live life - Dr. Tommy Wong

Tom: So by believing that we are souls, how will that help us in our daily lives?
Guru: We can see everyone as souls rather than bodies.
Tom: Okay, then?
Guru: We don’t differentiate ourselves with others by the differences in our bodies.
Tom: You mean we don’t differentiate ourselves by different races.
Guru: Right, there’s only one race and that’s the human race.
Tom: No more “us and them”.
Guru: We see everyone as souls, and we’re all the same.
Tom: We look for sameness rather than differences.
Guru: Yes, it’s like we’re all air and there is only one air covering the entire Earth.
Tom: We are all one.
Guru: We’re all connected so we look for cooperation rather than competition.
Tom: Your gain is my gain, and your loss is my loss.
Guru: We look for win-win solutions rather than “I win and you lose” scenarios.
Tom: So we’re all winners.
Guru: Wouldn’t life be better this way?
Tom: Better? It’ll be heaven on Earth.

The book, Wisdom on How to Live Life can be bought here.


  1. Unless there is clear evidence to the contrary, literal belief in souls amounts to nothing more than a traditional superstition.

    Win-win solutions are easily accomplished through a rational approach to life.

    One example may be found at .

    The spirit of a document such as that found at also makes good sense.

  2. That's one simplification. I think... it tricks you to thinking everything is similar when they aren't.

    After all, each person has different desires, and desires can conflict, regardless soul or not. Sometimes our needs are fulfilled through the loss of others.

    Sometimes people just don't give a heck what you go through, and if one keeps maintaining a pacifist outlook on life, he'll be taken advantage of.

  3. I would prefer to use Living Beings than the Human Race.
    Human Race is still subjected to differentiating oneself with another by the differences in one's body
    This is because, not just the Human Race, Fauna as well as Flora also have souls.
    That will then make the world a better place.

  4. Even plants have souls?

    Hmm.... interesting.

    Mr Tan.... I wonder if you realise that by promoting this book, you are promoting superstition. Is that really wise?
