Friday, July 09, 2010

Survey - distance based fares

36 people responded to the survey. Here are the results, comparing the new fare (distance based fares) with the previous fare:
  • Lower by more than 10%   ................. 3.0%
  • Lower by 5% to 10% ......................... 6.1%
  • Higher by 5% to 10% ......................... 45.5%
  • Higher by more than 10% ................... 45.5%
I omitted to have an option to show difference by less than 5%. So, some participants are not able to take part. Sorry.

This may not give a representative result, as the survey is likely to attract a higher proportion of people who have to pay higher fares.

Tan Kin Lian


  1. 83 people have voted @

  2. This distance based fares thingy is just a gimmick to raise fares and full-stop.

  3. when I heard the news over the radio this afternoon I almost fainted. The spokeswoman from the transport committe or something said that most commuters will find the fare to be higher if they only base on a particular trip. She added that most commuters will find that their fare will be lower if they track their trips over a period say a week.

    I just don't understand her logic. If a commuter fare to the office has increased say by 10 cents on Monday and she takes the same bus for the whole week to office, how the hell will she find her fare to be lower at the end of the week?

    The spokeswoman either think that we the commuters are idiots or that she and her committee members are real idiots.

  4. rex comments as follows

    Anon 5.41pm is correct, i was also shocked to hear the news on the radio.

    Albert Einstein said something like. you must be insane if you think that the outcome of an experiment will be different if you do exactly what you do over and over again keeping all the setup exactly the same.

    So if your pattern of travel requires to take the direct bus everyday to and from work, how is it ever possible that at the end of the week your total fares will reduce if the daily fares is showing the same increase each day (compared to old system)?

    What rubbish is SMRT saying!!!!!
    Yet nobody dares to challenge, the journalists, the editorial people in media, all subservient robots.


  5. It is a roundabout way to increase fares, think we are so daft.

  6. Rex comments as follows,

    Dishonesty i don't accept.
    If the government honestly say, yes, we are increasing the fares period. You can choose not to accept, you can walk or cycle. At least that is honest even if untactful.

    We now have a dishonest goverhment, i am so very sad. IF they can be dishonest over small things can you imagine how we may be deceived in the bigger scheme of things.

    i am so very sad.


  7. My trip involves a feeder and a longer service.

    Prior the fare adjustment, it was around $0.67 + $1.27 = $1.94

    After the fare adjustment, it is $$0.04 + 1.45 = $1.49

    So mine was reduced 23%.

    Feeder service for me is only 2 stops.
