Friday, July 02, 2010

Letter from the Prime Minister

Read this letter.


  1. it is touching i admit but in an election, i need to consider policies rather than just the human touch so i will evaluate.

  2. we are not selecting a Mr/Ms Nice, but we are selecting a Mr/Ms Fix-it -right.

    Whether the person is friendly or not should not be a major consideration in electing an MP,opposition included

  3. A nice guy(leader) may not necessarily be a good leader.

  4. Spot on. When an MP suddenly becomes Mr. or Ms. Nice near election time, we have to be wary
    of the motive.

  5. Remember that the father LKY is MASTER of public relations :S

    The SoN seems to have learnt from the papa. My gut feel is that they knew the ground sentiment is BaaD even if we are to think rationally and therefore he appeals directly to emotional appeal. In any case, I don't think this letter merits its publications in ST; should just be a private letter sent to the addressee since the content has NO impact to the people of Singapore. :D

  6. For PM to remembered a former major rank was easy.Ask him whether he could still remember me,just a ordinary corporal,I don't think so he could.

    Corporal rank

  7. Reply to Yusuf:

    "...In any case, I don't think this letter merits its publications in ST;..."

    It is a well known fact that local publication under the SPH is a mouth piece of this government so it is really nothing surprising that such a letter got published in ST. Only the ah pek and ah ma will believe blindly anything reported in the local msm.

  8. More importantly, government policy should be equally caring. The father once said, "if you want to be popular, don't be afraid to carry out un-popular policy"

  9. This is definitely a case of a citizen wanting limelight. The PM had rightly send a letter of condolence when told of the death. The Bereaved Family apparently wanted something to glorify themselves. Having got a personal letter from the PM does not mean it had to be make known to the world.

    Many who worked in the Airport had met with many heads of nations and world renowned celebrities and interacted with them, they don't go around publicising their encounters.

    It was just a case of vanity.

  10. I wonder how many of the emails written to PMO requesting for assistance on complaints about Public Service is entertained promptly!!!

    It took the Public Trustee Office (PTO) about 6 weeks to give a second reply to a complaint by a relative of mine, with copy to PMO, and the PTO reply was a pacifying letter to "cover-up" the matter rather than to provide a fair solution. I had to help to write a 3rd letter. The PTO website says they would reply within 2 weeks. If not copy to the PMO, perhaps they would keep silent as usual.

  11. I am not sure if grammatically its correct but I would have written, by starting of as,

    "I am saddened...." rather than
    "I was saddened...."

    shows a more real/lasting feeling?
