Monday, July 26, 2010

TKL website [8]

Dear Mr Tan,
I got to know of the site through your blog which I read almost everyday.
I take interest in the site as I like to keep in touch with the different views of the current events happening around us.
Your layout is easy to access and worded simply in such a way that any layman will be able to understand the language used and the icons used are simple to focus.
Thank-you for creating a simple and versatile site for us to access and be educated.


  1. I suggest download pdf to give a more meaningful filename and not file.aspx.pdf. It can be done.


  2. Hon Chun
    When you save the file, you can change it to a meaningful name.

  3. I find it a hassle to rename the files I download from your site. Not sure if it's good or bad, but this has made me more selective of the files I keep in my system.

    Please consider Hongjun's suggestion. I rather like the naming convention of your old files e.g. FAQ_Financial_planning_for_a_retiree.

  4. Reply to Atticus
    It will be too much work to change my database structure. Most of the FAQs are intended to be displayed for reading. If you want to save it, go and take some hassle.

  5. Can consider using title of article as filename since it should be in db.

  6. Yet another method to embed doc file to get it to work on all browser.

    Embeddable Google Document Viewer

