Monday, August 09, 2010

Bill Gates and Education

Read what Bill Gates say about education.

My view
I qualified to be an actuary through self-study, before the days of the Internet. Today, the process would have been much easier for someone to learn through self-study. They can also interact with class mates thorugh social media, Skype and conference calls. It is possible to learn using the methods proposed by Bill Gates.

I also have experience teaching a course at a local university and is familiar with the structure of the learning, delivery and testing. It is possible to build a new university that is entirely virtual. But it needs a properly designed learning management system that suits this environment.

1 comment:

  1. Bill Gates said this too on the difficulties of teaching as a profession.

    "teaching is one of the most difficult, complex professions there is. You have to be able to make a subject clear, and interesting. You have to calm the disruptive kids, challenge the advanced kids, humor the bored kids, and reach the kids who learn at a different pace. All with 30 students in a classroom."
