Monday, August 09, 2010

Happy 45th National Day

The article below the editorial by the Straits Times on 9 August 2010 carried this title "Celebrate achievements, strive hard for the future".

I was struck by the cartoon of a person with a broad smile, but his mouth was covered by the flag of Singapore. This thought crossed my mind, "Is this a subtle message that Singaporeans should smile and keep their mouth shut?"

I was also surprised that the chairman of the Public Utilities Board was given the top honors in this year's National Day. The timing seemed to be quite out of place, as Singapore had recently suffered from three unprecedented floods and the flooding problem had not been explained, let alone solved. Is this a message that public opinion does not count? (On a personal level, I know Mr. Tan Gee Paw to be humble and friendly, has made significant contribution to Singapore and is deserving of this award).

And here is my personal mesage for our national day.

Happy 45th National Day!

Tan Kin Lian


  1. yes, i found the timing of the award to the to the PUB CEO odd too.

    it was similar to giving Ho Ching a top CEO award last year after all the Temasek losses.

  2. REX comments as follows

    I think the honourable thing for the PUB recipient of the award to do is to reject it and say "i had failed the people, i cannot accept the award".
    There is an old story of Justice Bao when he take off his officer's hat and give back to the emperor when he was placed in a postion when he had to compromise Justice.

    Instead, i am appalled that the gentleman said "i am honoured to receive the award".
    Sorry, i have no respect for such people.
    I hope you publish this. I guess you will discard it.


  3. Yes, with all due respect to Mr Tan Gwee Paw, the timing is significant and smack of the elitist/ holier-than-thou attitude of the Authority.
    What can we ordinary lesser-mortals tell/learn from this ?
    If I felt put-down, it must have been the desired effect. Am also put-off/ "pissed-off" is more appropriate !
    Believe, Mr GP Tan should have his medal next year when some real corrective works have been put in place.

  4. Claiming the award has no meaning if the judging criteria is not known.
