Monday, August 09, 2010

National Day Award

Here is another perspective.


  1. What about the MAS Heng? He is very heng to have got the meritorious award. Wonder what financial flood did he help to avert?

  2. Rex comments as follows,

    This is a meritocractic society. Whoever gets the award must demonstrate the meritorious quality of supporting the bosses and never going against their wishes, never embarassing them.

    It is a very simple criterion for the awards, forget about the Xia Dynasty history and highfaluting anecdotes which are of no meaning to deaf frogs and senile men.


  3. Quote : The WATER WORLD

    SINGAPORE, March 3, 2010 -- The Singapore International Water Week today announced that the Yellow River Conservancy Commission (YRCC) has been awarded the Lee Kuan Yew Water Prize 2010, a prestigious award that recognizes outstanding contributions towards solving global water problems by either applying technologies or implementing policies and programmers which benefit humanity. With its success in transforming China's second-longest river, YRCC outshone 49 other nominees to become the third recipient of the Lee Kuan Yew Water Prize.

    Commenting on the achievements of YRCC, Mr. Tan Gee Paw, Chairman of the Lee Kuan Yew Water Prize Nominating Committee said: "The Lee Kuan Yew Water Prize celebrates the outstanding achievements of YRCC in integrated river basin management that is unrivalled in scale. In rejuvenating the Yellow River and managing floods, YRCC has brought about widespread and sustainable social, economic and environmental benefits to over one hundred million people. We look forward to YRCC sharing its innovative, holistic and sustainable river basin management practices at the Water Week, and inspiring greater impetus in establishing sustainable water solutions for increasingly urbanized communities worldwide."

    YRCC will receive the award from Singapore's first Prime Minister and present Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew at Singapore International Water Week 2010 which will be held from June 28 to July 2, 2010.


    They must be the most ironical of Awards in this Century. LOL
