Tuesday, August 10, 2010

When should one retire?

Read this article.

My view
I agree with Dr. Wong Wee Nam. We need to build the services and infrastructure to cater to the needs of our aging population. We should also relieve them from the worry of meeting the rising cost of living.


  1. Hi Mr. Tan, the link for "When should one retire?" is wrong...

  2. I think the logic is so simple.

    Those who are paid alot will not want to retire.

    Those who are paid too little (and real peanuts) will not even want to work, lest to say look forward to retirement.

    It also got do with the nature of the job. If it is "forecasting" and you like to do that, why not; while still have a chance to travel all over FOC? Most of important of all, can help to sustain the "enslaving" model.

  3. I agree that before establishing the regime of no retirement there should be infrastructure, legislation and organization setup to help the elderlies meaningfully and suitably employed with good take-home pay just like MM Lee.
