Saturday, September 04, 2010

Elections in Singapore

Read this article.


  1. It is scary, but why NOT ! The Law Minister will think of something to justify.
    If not the MM will, although I doubt he is for it.

  2. “If I were in authority in Singapore indefinitely without having to ask those who are governed whether they like what is being done, then I would not have the slightest doubt that I could govern much more effectively in their interests.”
    - Lee Kuan Yew, 1962

    “One-man-one-vote is a most difficult form of government.. Results can be erratic.”
    - Lee Kuan Yew, Dec 19 1984

    “I’m not intellectually convinced that one-man-one-vote is the best. We practise it because that’s what the British bequeathed us.”
    - Lee Kuan Yew, 1994

    “Please do not assume that you can change governments. Young people don’t understand this”
    - Lee Kuan Yew on the results of the 2006 election

  3. Ha Ha ! LKW is not so young anymore and I believe he knows better than to start something he himself will have not much control of. After all, Singapore is his legacy.
