Friday, September 03, 2010


Protecting privileges.


  1. Very well written ! "They" are waking up to the very real possibility of losing many privileges, real or assummed by the masses.
    Am sure "they" know that we know, but then, will we be brave enough.
    Maybe it will be the other way round. Will "they" be brave enought to let go of the many in the next GE !

  2. Well, no worries for majority of "them" even if get voted out. Coz most of "them" already served 2 full terms and entitled to lifelong pension of 2/3 last drawn salary plus lifelong A-class medical coverage.

    The big adjustment for them will be the sudden disappearance of "respect" from bootlickers, and discovering that the importance of their personal safety has been reduced to that of a normal citizen.
