Monday, October 11, 2010


Contributed by Kim
I recalled briefly that PM LHL in his recent National Day 2010 message mentioned something to the effect that the 2 casinos in Singapore are meant for foreigners to spend $$$ and Singaporean should NOT be patronising these to gamble away their hard earn money. I’m sure many concerned Singaporean shared the same sentiment.
In line with the spirit of PM National Day message, parliament should passed a Bill to enact something similar to the Human Organ Transplant Act (HOTA), which will include all Singapore Citizen and Permanent Resident for casino self-exclusion unless they have opted out. Similar to HOTA, Singapore Citizen and Permanent Resident can freely choose to opt-out if they wish to by submitting an official form, witnessed and signed by says 2 immediate family members.

Suggest this new act be called HIPA, (
Human dIgnity Preservation Act). Similar to HOTA, which seeks to preserve human life and dignity and ease the pains, burden and suffering of not just the patient, but also that of their family members and loved ones, the proposed HIPA seeks to preserve basic human dignity thru discouraging casino gambling which can potentially destroy every iota of human dignity as well as wreak havoc and untold pains and suffering on countless families in Singapore. 
From that perspective, HOTA and HIPA are not much different in the spirit of their objective.
- Kim


  1. To each his own. Those who don't wish to gamble should not visit the casino.

    Those who wish to have a bit of fun and are willing to lose some money should be allowed to do so.

    Contrary to common perception, casual gaming does not necessarily result in ruined families or whatever.

    Let adult individuals decide for themselves. This is more dignified than any one-size-fits-all solution.

  2. If people want to gamble, they can go Batam or Gentings to gamble anyway

    There are even electronic gambling. Soccer bettings over the internet is also very popular

    Stocks, future, forex, gold are all instruments of gambling to a large extent

    I think passing an Act does not necessarily help. It all boils down to individuals
