Sunday, October 31, 2010

Singapore General Election Portal - the secret on how it is maintained

Dear Mr. Tan,
How do you manage to put up the interesting articles in the General Election Portal? Although I am able to find the same articles by reading all the blog feeds, it is useful to go to your portal as you have made a good summary of the important articles. Saves me the time of reading through so many feeds.

I am fortunate to have the assistance of Gerald. He searches all the feeds every morning and extracts the articles that are relevant to my portal and my blog. He also summarizes the articles for me. It is easy for me to post them in the portal. There is another person (CH) who helps me to manage the portal.

Bookmark this to keep abreast of the issues for the general election:

1 comment:

  1. REX comments as follows,

    It's a great idea to compile all the best of the blogs in your new portal, and the search facility is also extremely helpful.

    I would suggest a number of small improvements:

    a. at present the 2nd last column which is always filled by words "Artices" or "Blogs", has little meaning. Who cares if the subject is "article" or "blog".... I think this column in the portal should be replaced by the "Source" description. That is, if the article is from TKL blog, the column entry will say "TKL blog", or if the article originate from TOC, the column entry is "TOC". This way the readers can use the information better.

    b. the "view" column currently the last one, could be swapped with the description column, it will be more logical i think.

    c. i am wondering if this portal is meant for 2011 elections? The title just say elections portal. What happens after the elections? Isn't it so that the articles are sometimes just political issues, nothing to do with Elections per se? Perhaps the title may be changed to reflect the fact that the compilations are socio-political commentaries of singapore scene, and not merely elections portal?

