Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Taxi fares in Kuala Lumpur - two tiers

I took a taxi from a hotel. The fares start at M$6. The journey cost M$14. I flagged a taxi from the road for teh return journey. The fare started at M$3. The return journey cost M$7. On both occasions, it was easy to get a taxi - no hassle (but it was on a Saturday afternoon).

I learned that there were two taxi fare system in Kuala Lumpur - the hotel taxis and the ordinary taxis. The taxis were marked clearly. A commuter can decide to go for the higher or the cheaper fare.  This is similar to the choice of economy or business class fares on an airline. It is transparent and give choice to the commuters.

I find the fare systems in Singapore to be too complicated. Perhaps, we should adopt  a system similar to Kuala Lumpur. Let us learn from our neighbor some of the time!

I wrote to the Straits Times Forum about suggestions to improve our taxi service. The letter was not published. I have posted it here.

Tan Kin Lian


  1. Well, of the Malaysians that I spoke to, they are not satisfied with the taxi service in Malaysia as well. I had comments from Malaysians that is easy to get a taxi in Singapore comparing to Malaysia.

    There are actually more than enough taxis in Singapore, just that ppl rush to take taxi during certain period of time. People avoid peak hours and snatch to take cab after 8pm, needless say, it will be more difficult to fetch a cab at 8pm then. I had experience waiting at taxi stand at 7.45pm, there are ppl wanting to take cab at the taxi stand but choose to wait until 8.

    And the CBD surcharge, ppl at ION complaining difficult to get a cab, but you cannot charge CBD surcharge at ION but you can charge CBD at Wisma, which is just besides ION. Some ppl didn't know this, but there are some who alrdy knew this, and purposely wait at ION to safe $3, and choose to complain.

    And ERP gantries.. Long queue at DBS taxi stand at 6.30 pm, every one working at shenton way rushing to go home.. But which taxi will want to go into shenton way at that hour when you need to pay additional $3 or $4 to get a pax?

  2. People at ION / Takashimaya are
    70% tourists or wealthy Indonesian PR
    10% are people who live in Yishun/Sengkakng etc who seldom go to Orchard rd these are the ones complaining.. they are ignorant.

    People at Shenton way are
    80% wealthy and can afford the price
    but idiotic to think that a taxi ride is a way to distance themselves from the "common" people in trains & buses

    5% are expats who are ignorant
    5% are people who THINK they are wealthy and want to rub shoulders with the 80%.

    All from Shenton way complain and want a change in Gov,Taxi rules etc. not realising that they get their money from the system that they dislike.

    Do you hear of complaints from HDB heartlands?

  3. The fact that there are so many charges or surcharges that make getting a cab so complicated, foreign tourists are known to argue on these surchanges.
    Ever try waiting for a cab in town around 10pm, and see empty cabs cruising along without stopping.
    Strangely, we have no problems waving one down in more populous cities like Hongkong and Shanghai, be it snowing or foggy. How's that for comparison?

  4. 20% of taxi drivers are comfortable and drive for the freedom it offers since the cost is in some ways subsidised.

    I know of retired airline pilots who own landed properties driving taxis. They do not even want to have a 2nd driver to defray costs!

    This 20% has caused sufficient annoyance because of their attitude.
    It is not a bread & butter issue for them.. they choose the time, place, and customer.

    Plan your activities and journeys.
    And use the trains and buses.

    I have been car-less for the past 12 years and never regreted it.
    The money I saved has allowed me to travel to Egypt,New York, Vienna, Zurich and Spain... for 2 and sometimes for 4 people.
    with driving holidays in Arizona and South Africa.. New Zealand and

    Believe in the truth that we can all survive, live without a car in Singapore. Except when your employer is willing to defray costs or your job scope requires frequent visits to work sites or clients.
