Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Citibank survey - Singaporeans like whole life policies

Hi Mr Tan,  looking at the responses to the survey, many still depend on whole life plans for retirement funds. More Singaporeans should read your blog!

It is true that many people are still buying whole life policies. I need my blog readers to help spread the message through facebook, twitter, etc. Are you able to spend time to help me in this task? 

You can tell your friends through Facebook to get them to read specific articles in my blog. And ask them to spread the message to other people through their Facebook contacts. All you need to do is to read my blog daily  and identify the articles that you can spread around through your channels. We need more people to work together to spread the message.


  1. Looks like Singaporeans are condemned to money no enough for retirement.
    CPF not enough but what do they do with the CPF? Invest in single premium endowment and get marginally higher than what CPF pays? Sure die again.
    Cash in wholelife also sure die..
    It is hard to change them.
    They have not worked their goals and insurance agents don't want them to see their goals because if they see then they know WL and endowment cannot help them to reach their goals.
    The banks, the insurance agents and insurance companies have no qualms to fleece them.It is common sense and yet many consumers cannot see the relationship between having more and saving more. For many Singaporeans it is like boarding any bus that brings them to somewhere stroke of luck it may bring them to their destination.
    Can we do anything? we are tired!!!losing our voice...the message has fallen on deaf ears.

  2. Mr. Tan, maybe you want to link this blog to your facebook and add the "Like" button here so readers can easily click on it and it will be posted on their facebook status.

    Also, maybe do a lucky draw once a month and pick a winner from all the facebook followers.

    Just my suggestions to help spread & dissemminate all your useful information and post here efficiently.

  3. Hi silverbay
    I understand that there is a tool in Facebook that will automatically extract the postings in my blot to put into facebook. Can you show me how to do it by sending an e-mail to

  4. Survey is survey..Most of the time, people don't think seriously when doing survey. If I were to do this survey (before I got wise up), I would also say whole life or endowment is good for me. But now I am more aware of how these products are being sold and the amount taken away from me (Thanks to Mr Tan's blog), I am more inclined to say otherwise. I hope more consumers can wake up to the hidden truth, the earlier they wake up, the better for them.
