Monday, March 21, 2011

Emerging Asia can teach the West a lot about government

A special report on Singapore from the Economist magazine - giving the positive aspects.


  1. This article should include a report on a special school for underpriviledged and poor children, who are taught and trained to use their hands, rather than their brains, so that they could fit back into society and find work when they grow up.
    It is called the North Lights School in Mountbatted Road.
    MOE realised it is far cheaper to fund a $10 million school, than to have them resort to crimes, and have to allocate far more money to put them into prisons, ever pragmatic, this school even attracted a Hongkong MOE delegation to make a study visit here, and came out very impressed with the world's best teaching methods used, a teacher/student ratio of 1:15, and turning out potential chefs, hairdressers and canteen businessmen, etc.

  2. well it is better than going to jail. But they should have done long time ago before so many low ability students end up in prison
