Sunday, March 20, 2011

Financial Savvy Test #1

Are you financially savvy? Here is a simple test. You can find the answer from TKL Website -Information tab and type the keyword to search for the FAQ that contains the answer.

1. Does travel insurance cover nuclear risks? (keyword: nuclear)
Answer: __________

2. Who can you approach to review your existing insurance policy? (keyword: review) 
Answer: ________


  1. 1. Nuclear not covered.
    2. Who can be trusted to review your existing insurance policies for you?
    The person MUST be an HONEST AND COMPETENT financial planner. Nothing lesser than this and definitely NOT an insurance salesman especially with title like executive financial consultant. First he or she is a cheat to disguise as a financial expert if he or she is NOT, right?
    So , for those of you who have been conned by insurance salesmen must NOT be conned again if these same people ask you for a review of your insurance policies.Why? Review means to insurance salesmen whether you have the money to buy another wholelife or endowment policy.This review is never ending because you never have enough insurance because you can't afford enough wholelife insurance.It means there is always a gap after each review. That is why the insurance salesmen have insurance business for life.
    So , learn the truth about what 'review' means to insurance salesmen. Don't be trapped. Salesman DON"T know or have the skill to review for you.

  2. I advice insurance policies sold by insurance salesmen should undergo under an objective review by a competent and honest planner. I bet many of you have rubbish policies that either address the wrong needs or having too little of it.The earlier you have your policies reviewed the better lest something untoward happens.
    I have said before salesmen don't and can't plan, so the products sold to you are definitely rubbish products that are INEFFICIENT AND INEFFECTIVE to address your needs.
    Wake up!!!!!it is time to expose the conmen and women who have short changed and robbed you of your financial life.
    Report them to MAS to get them out of circulation to cause more harm to society.
