Thursday, March 31, 2011

Hawker Stall Rentals

Hawker stalls went through my layers of lesses. This has resulted in high rental paid by the operators. It is a bad system that must be corrected. Read SGEP or click here.

1 comment:

  1. why can't NEA be the 'landlord'? like HDB is for our flats? like stalls need to be registered and operated under the true stall operators.

    is current system setup because NEA wants lesser work for themselves and pass such responsibilities to third parties? is this another great idea from some scholars again? so many screw up systems! but who really cares? who really goes in depth to study the real root causes of food prices increasing instead of quoting the usual global trend or raw material price increase etc? how much percentage of the increase is contributed by rental? sigh...
