Thursday, March 31, 2011

Large employment of foreign workers

Here is the chain of events that lead to large employment of foreign workers in Singapore. Read  SGEP or click here.


  1. Singaporeans are being sold out by our Govt that we elected, so this article is not something new, we are seeing it with our eyes all the time.
    The Minister already said very clearly, Singapore is not a country, and hinted the Govt is only running it like a Corporate Company, with the universal Corporate motto:- Make tons of money at all costs, who cares whether the locals survive or not, as long as I make money, and the only way to jack up GDP growth at lightening speed is to give out scholarships, PRs and Citizenship freely to foreigners, like Father Christmas handing out gifts, all year round, and the locals have to spend their own money to send their children abroad
    for education, being squeezed out on local ground.
    Planting instant tree approach never fails, only difference the trees are brought in from abroad.

  2. There are two occupations which appear to be held by largely by locals. These are: taxi drivers and financial advisers!

  3. These foreigners are hitting upon our livelihood by competing with us for jobs, and by allowing free reins to buy property here, they are pushing up property prices, and this is hitting our pocket.
    We could tolerate various idiosyncracies and mistakes, incompetence, but when you hit our livelihood and our pockets, we will not be able to tolerate anymore. It has already reached our limit of tolerance.

  4. There are also many other cases of direct and indirect employment of foreign talents and workers by the government.

    In MOE, many PRCs, Indian Nationals and other nationalities are employed to be teachers to teach various subjects that Singaporeans can teach.

    The government has indirectly made the lifestyles of people so stressful that they need to employ domestic helpers.

    In MOH, so many nurses are foreigners.

    So many foreigners in the service industry. So many foreigners in the engineering field. So many foreigners in the healthcare industry. So many foreigners in the banking and finance sector. So many foreigners working as housing agents. The list goes on...... Is it only insurance agents that are not foreigners? I have met many foreigners who are insurance agents.

    I have even met foreigners who are beggers in Singapore. But these foreign beggers are even having a better deal than Singaporeans.

  5. GDP vs nationhood. The govt mathematically reconcile itself to accept 30 % foreigners as acceptable benchmark. But i wonder how did the govt quantify patriotism, nationhood...
    Our PM is passionate about doing well for SG but he is a mathematician, I think he cannot feel nationhood like MM does.
    Maybe the govt think 1 foreigner in 3 Singaporeans is non-influential. But if the percentage of children and elderly Singaporean is removed, the ratio may be 1 : 1.5. THis is influential. THis is causing the unease, that our country is no longer belonging to us Singaporeans.
    If the adult cannot feel their country is SG, how does the parent impart to this generation of children? Looks like the degeneration of SG is in the moulding.. SO sad..

  6. I cannot agree more with this article. I was in once in the construction industry & emphatize with u what is happening in this age-old industry in SG nowadays.
    I was in the engineering department for the contractor's side & having to be barked around by foreign engineers & architects, etc from the LTA's side, i feel so insulted & belittled by these people throwing their 'foreign-talent' weight around. Hence when NUS offered me a scholarship for coming back to school to take up a PhD as i did very well academically last time, i jumped to this hard-to-come-by offer. I hope that after graduation, i can snap my tail back at these unreasonable people & hopefully improve the whole construction environment.
