Saturday, April 23, 2011

Impartial civil service

Dear Mr. Tan
Please post in your blog:

As Head of Singapore Civil Service, shouldn't Mr. Peter Ong Boon Kwee pledge to Singaporeans that the Civil Service will continue to carry out it's duty to serve Singapore regardless of the party that wins the General Elections?


  1. rex comments as follows,

    A lot of people on the old pension scheme in the civil service, are worried that if they vote opposition, their pension is annulled.
    I think it is also important for the head of the civil service to make a comment on this, if he is a true singaporean. The comment could be subtlely conveyed such that it does not give the impression for a voter to vote in either way. IT is a skill which i am sure, those with high salaries know about, the careful crafting of words.

    The only issue is that the head of the civil service will lose his job as soon as PAP gets into power again if he issues this kind of statement without Great Leader's OK. But then, does he still need a job. It is quite easy to use the accumulated wealth right up to death, many of them can actually do that.

  2. Civil servants are servants of the people and independent.They MUST serve whichever party in power. This is the paramount responsibility of the civil service and without this impartiality and independence this parlaimentary system will not work.Imagine a change of govt will entail a change of the civil service, right? So the head of the civil service MUST not have political leaning or biases.

  3. I think all reasonable Singaporeans want both their top political leaders and civil servants to empathise with them in having a sense of shamefulness. While a significant numbers of the poor Singaporeans are still trying to make ends meet and the sicks are struggling to pay the huge medical bills, their elected leaders continue to reward themselves with millions of dollars in remuneration years-in and years-out. Unfortunately and today, it has deteriorated to a situation where they do not know how to stop and when to stop!!
