Saturday, April 23, 2011

Should DPM Wong resign over Mas Selamat?

Sent to TKL blog


Is the present parliamentary debate on issues fruitful? Watch the Mas Selamat debate in Parliament, a national security case and you be the judge; remember when you cast your vote.
PM Lee threw the question to Low Thia Kiang and stared at him for 3 seconds and announced that the matter is settled.
What a brilliant way to settle an important issue.


  1. rex comments as follows,

    I am glad that this video which i watched only recenlty, is now fully highlighted in the public domain.
    It was really, low down, despicable and dirty of the PM to play this kind of game. I hope all singaporeans see him defending his cousin in this way.
    PM sets a really good example of how to bully, how to bulldoze.

    There are more highly qualified candidates this election day. PM is a servant of the people, no servant is indispensible. ALways remember 时势造英雄。 Singapore will not collapse if he and daddy 0 are removed, even tomorrow. 时势造英雄


  2. dont forget the plight of teachers overworked and underappreciated in this coming GE

  3. What's so amazing is even Selamat understands Chinese culture better than WKS, that the most dangerous place is the safest place to hide.
    Instead WKS sent soldiers and police all over the island, like a headless housefly. PAP are really bananas, yellow outside but white inside.

  4. this is call brinkmanship, and LTK buckled.

    it would be very different if it is CSJ.

  5. A chance to vote him out. Hope Chiam See Tong can do the job well. He will be the national hero.
