Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Security checks at buildings

The security checks at most buildings in Singapore are carried out mindlessly. They require visitors to queue up, pass their ID for scanning or recording (or retention) and are given a visitors pass. They have to return the visitors pass to get back their ID on leaving the building.

This is intended for security but is tiresome for visitors. I am sure that a terrorist will know how to bypass the security checks. Even if a terrorist comes to the security desk, he is likely to be allowed through as the guards are too busy with paperwork.

I found an exception at Republic Plaza. They implemented an effective and hassle free security checks. The people working there use a pass to go through the gantry gates. The visitors go to a gantry next to the security desk and tell the guard where they are going.  The security guard talk to the visitor and look into the eye. This is a better way to identify a terrorist (and not record his ID).

Well done to Republic Plaza.

Tan Kin Lian

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