Sunday, April 03, 2011

Worker's Party

hi mr tan please join workers party in the coming general election 2011. This will be the last chance for all native singaporeans to vote before we all singaporeans become minority. Presently only 57% of our population are true singaporeans by then in the next generation 2016 the margin would be below 50%. For the sake of the development of singapore opposition politics progress please consider to join opposition. i hope you will consider. thankyou so much 
 You true supporter

You can vote for the opposition, even if I do not stand for election. But it is quite sad that many people now consider the PAP to be bad for local Singaporeans.


  1. From the speeches in the debates we can see that the PAP is totally apathetic or maybe delusional about its role in carrying out inflationary policies that harms all Singaporeans. Also I do not see how the PAP can cope with the stagflationary issues that might affect us once our economy slumps back to recession due to high energy prices and deflationary forces once the property market crashes. Unlike other countries we do not have like Malaysia or China a petronas or petrochina to source out oil and natural gas for our energy needs.

    We are also not resilience in terms of food security and still need to import significantly from overseas in a haphazard manner. One final stupidity of PAP is the foolishness to want to increase our population to 6 million. We do not have the energy and food security to support such a large population in the increasingly energy scares future.

  2. If I am TKL I would not enter politics on an opposition ticket.
    Simple, the wife would object, and most importantly, the Old Man is still very healthy, TKL is far too high profile in public, and thus would be subjected to close scrutiny,
    and would suffer the same fate as JBJ and Chee.
    Singapore politics is modelled on the Communist System, you could be only pro Govt, never anti. In Communist China, anti Govt activists are thrown into prison on some flimsy charge, over here in Singapore they sue them for defamation till they go bankcrupt,
    or leave for other countries in self-imposed exile.
    Think Devan Nair, Francis Seow, How Dong, etc.
    and you get the picture. Nowadays they dare not imprison activists
    owing to scrutiny of the international community, so they
    resort to suing. Timing is not ripe yet. Look at the huge sacrifices Chee has to make, and not many people would have that kind of courage.

  3. I'd suggest that Mr. Tan runs as Singapore president.

  4. MR TAN pls kindly stand as a candidate for ELECTED PRESIDENT. Singaporeans needs you..sincerely hope that you will seriously consider .....

  5. Constitutionally, there's nothing the elected president can do politically except questioning government use of reserves. The power was exercised once by Ong Teng Cheong. He was promptly rebutted and removed from office.

    Singapore government is still run on parliamentary system with parliamentary supremacy. The prime minister is the head of government, not the president. The president is head of state and akin to lord of seal. When PM uses reserves, the president gives the seal of approval in formality. If he questions, he'll be removed and another lord of seal appointed.

    Singapore election of president is the biggest joke in international democracy. There's criteria unheard of in all electoral systmes to enable the government to disqualify all potential candidates until narrowing down to the one they want, who will of course be beholden and compliant.

  6. Hi Mr Tan, when I saw Alec Tok spoke passionately at Hong Lim Park on why he decides to come back and stand for election on the opposition front, I am very touched. Here is man who could just stay in the comfort of his job in the US but he is drawn by his conscience to stand up to serve his fellow country men. Many others would have just packed their bags and live a cosy life there. Why is this nation short of patriotic people who would stand up to bring a better life for others? I have been thought from young that unless a grain of seed falls to the ground and dies, it remains by itself. But if it dies, it produces much fruit! Mr Tan, has it been in your conscience to put yourself forward to serve as the alternative...the fruit of your labour will be multiplied many fold!

  7. @Daniel

    So passionate. I agree with you. =)
