Friday, May 27, 2011

Dr. Tan Cheng Bock

Dr. Tan Cheng Bock has expressed an interest to stand for election as President of Singapore. You can read more about him in his blog.

Give your views of Dr. Tan in this survey.


  1. It's a positive development for Singapore in terms of holding another key for protecting our reserves.

  2. Great, as Tan Cheng Bok, being a member of the old guard of the PAP, has earned our respect as a dedicated MP in his previous ward.
    Just that we hope he, with his long association with the PAP, would work independently as our President if elected, and not be under the control of his former Party, and not be a yes-man like our presiding President Nathan.
    We have enough of such compliant money faced people in the Govt already, we don't need another one in the next Presidency.

  3. In April, a specialist clinic of KTPC could not improve my appointment date on urgent basic, I was told to visit Emergency. Upon registration at Emergency Dept., they want me to pay BEFORE seeing a emergency doctor.


    Other social sickness are:
    - No high salary, no talent to become minister
    - corruption of VWO
    - wide income gap
    - street corner ganster
    - want early marriage but no house
    - frail elderly are advised to do physical work
    - culture shock: Local vs Foreigner
    - Casino
    - materialism
    - securlarism

    We need a sociologist to become the President to lead the soul of peoples.

  4. The candidate would earn my respect if he/she:
    - open his asset & libility
    - neutral
    - President Salary=MP Salary
    - Any additional compensation & gift should donate back to society.
    Take Late Deng Xiow Peng (former China PM) as example, he donated his monthly pension (1000 Yuan) to a rural school secretly.

  5. Hi Mr Tan, have you considered running for the President. You will have my support!

  6. Agree with both Michael and YuJuan. Dr Tan's 26-yr track record as back-bencher MP speaks for itself. He will not be afraid to ask the right questions of the Govt to safeguard our reserves. He will be a truly "Peoples' President".

  7. based on the stringent requirements to stand as a presidential candidate in Singapore, I am unsure whether a non-executive chairman of a listed company would qualify.

    It would be interesting to see how the Presidential Elections Committee would decide on this if he does indeed submit his name for consideration.

  8. Strength of Mr TKL:
    - Been studied studied management program at Harvard Business School
    - was in the board of National Skin Center
    - CEO of the $billion co-op
    - Had generated $ and share $ with stakeholder of the co-op who are mainly worker class
    - Able to raad, interprete, - analyze a financial statement
    - had associated with GKS, Ong Teng Cheong, Lim Kin San who are proven virtue so far
    - scaptical in social issue
    - empericism: do on-line survey to learn an issue with limited research resource

    Dear Mr TKL,
    We want a peoples' President. You are a better choice of the working class.
    Best wish

  9. Mr Tan Cheng Bok. I hope that before the election day, you guarantee yourself be elected by stating that the FT issue is the most important issue facing Singapore.Hence as President, this issue cannot wait for another 4 years before another election. I am sure you will be elected hands down against all candidates including the incumbent Tony Tan if you mention this. Tony Tan is too much and too gentleman to say no to Lee Kuan Yew even the old man is not in govt. We Singaporeans need you to say no to Foreign Talents then, and even so NOW. This FT is sinking into the fear and anguish of most Singaporean. We see the competition in jobs and housing and transport and hospital and swimming pools. They migrants bring their mother, daughters and grandmothers and literally washing their smelly coconut oil hair in our swimming pools. We may even have to legislate compulsory wearing of swimming caps to ensure hygeine at our swimming pools. You can even see these fat grand mother and mothers clogging our Policlinics with diabeties and heart diseases bcos of their cultural diet and we Singaporean have to subsidised their medical bill bcos PR and citizenship were giving freely by the govt. It comes from Singaporean who were paying taxes and sons doing NS.
    WE need a President who can whisper to the Ministers and if they done make a turn, then the President can always "whisper" to the press and let us see a referendum. BECAUSE the govt did not heed the voice of the people.
