Friday, May 27, 2011

Driver and Co-Driver

Watch this video.


  1. Yes, the video on George Yeo is spot on. Yes, he betrayed the teachings of his Catholic faith. As fellow Catholics we are really ashamed of him, at least Boon Heng repented.
    We know George is working for his boss, but as a Catholic, expect him to reject.
    When he goes to Mass every Sunday, does he pray for the Singaporeans who got their lives messed up due to gambling at the casinos.
    What a hypocritical Christian.
    For us Catholics, we would never forgive George and his boss LHL,
    also Vivian, the Minister who has no head for Maths.

  2. "..he pray for the Singaporeans who got their lives messed up due to gambling at the casinos.."

    This question must ask Dr Tan Cheng Bock if he for or against Casino when was an MP?

  3. Taiwan government had wanted to open a Casino on the Island close to mainland China. President Ma request the resident to vote for/against. The result: No Casino.
    Fishermen on island may not well educated but has a conscience.

    Will SG (First World?) has a new President like Ma who respect the highest good of mankind.
