Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Reporting by our Media

Reporting by TODAY newspaper :
When WP LTK kicked PAP GY out, it is "An emotional journey for both teams".
When SPP Chiam lost to PAP WKS, it is "Sun sets on Opposition veteran's career"


  1. Online complaints by Aljunied residents that the Town Council has stopped all estate work, so rubbish have been piling up, as all the contractors' contracts have been abruptly terminated. Wow, if it's true, revenge is faster than the blink of an eye. And the PM say he would look into people's grouses and unhappiness. How to trust the PM, especially after his apologies on eve of the GE. And the PAP as anticipated, so anxious to revert back to its bad wolf image. Ah, crocodile tears, and insincere apologies, and now vengeful show of power, as indicated in the MM's threat.
    Poor residents of Aljunied, they have to wait 45 days before the takeover by the WP, and in this interim, they have to endure smelly
    waste, and dirty streets and coridors, and unwashed wet markets, etc. Bullying to the utmost level, and they say they are the servants of citizens. Think
    residents should petition to pay less taxes and their sons serve one less year NS for this year.

  2. 1. Eric Tan resignation

    It's an unfortunate twist of events. Sad for some of us who knows Eric personally as he has always been a nice and helpful friend. But the realities of politics include unfortunate twists like this. He's an experienced banker and fund manager. Perhaps after a rest, TKL can approach him to help FiSCA.

    2. Aljunied TC handover

    The rumours are completely untrue. George Yeo has promised a smooth handover of all premises and contracts without any termination of essential services during the handover interim. HDB has confirmed it's being carried out.
