Sunday, May 29, 2011

Safeguard the reserves

Hi Mr Tan
You probably aware that the presidential election is coming soon.As the qualification criteria are so strigent, not many could fulfill. I am convinced that  you are are suitable candidate who could meet all the criteria.
You have championed a lot of causes and spoke up for the depositors who were misled, to a certain extent in the DBS mini bond saga.
We need a capable President who could hold the other key to the national reserve. He could perform a proper check and balance The late Mr Ong Teng Cheong spoke up a lot on the national reserves.He might not have a very good ending but had championed a cause and won the respect of Singaporeans.  Presently as tax payers,we do not know how much are our reserves in GIC & CPF Board and how they are being invested.
I strongly encourage you to stand for this election. I dont think there are many candidates eligible to participate this round. We should not waste another 7 years  for the next round of election.   
Richard Wong  

I will decide in a few days' time


  1. rex comments as follows,

    In the recent past you probably get nowhere being a president because the cabinet is 100% controlled by pap.
    With the success of Aljunied won by Workers Party, it becomes more meaningful to be President, because the President is able to subtlely carry out activities in a more fair and meaningful way to achieve the goals of creating a better Singapore.
    I hope this could be a deciding factor to help you to make the decision Mr Tan.
    Singaporeans are tired of a prata man who can only say "i hope i have done all that is expected of me" when he cast his vote. It was such a stupid statement coming from a person paid $4 million a year. So embarassing!


  2. Hi Mr. Tan,

    Yes, I would encourage u to stand for election as President of Singapore. We need more transparacy.


  3. "...the presidential election is coming soon.As the qualification criteria are so strigent, not many could fulfill..."

    Is it social stratification?
    If no, the should not be $b critirea.
    If yes, do u think the elected President is the representative of SG pluralism soceity?

    Note - Social Stratification: A system by which a society ranks categories of people in a hierarchay

  4. Mr Richard Wong and friends of TKL may be disappointed, unless the sun rises from the West.
    PAP would never endorse Mr. Tan to be Presidential candidate, in their eyes TKL is a trouble maker, already they have their hands full with a rising opposition to be fixed, they don't want another source of worry to contend with.
    Honestly hope I am wrong, and then
    "I stand corrected".
    Jia You Mr. Tan, nothing venture, nothing gain. Let's see PM Lee would make his reforms and change
    materialise in front of our eyes, else it's just empty talk and hollow air.

  5. Hope that the next President won't be Nathan again, enough of the docility shown, not even a squeak when GIC and Temasek lost billions of our country's Funds. And he called it he has done what is expected of him. We expect him to protect our Reserves, not keep quiet
    when tons of money is lost. He has let Singaporeans down.

  6. Hi Mr Tan,

    I will vote for you if you are contesting for presidency. I have been following your blog very often and have learnt a lot. I whole heartily trust that you will be a people president if you are running for presidency.

    You have help a lot of people during the sub prime period. Singapore need a change in the president role. The newly elected president should be a president that help to bring the current presidential role to another level. Transparency in Singapore government and a no 1. 1st world country.

    I copied this from the wiki on singapore president role.
    The president now exercises powers over the following:[22]
    appointment of public officers
    government budgets
    examine government's exercise of its powers under the Internal Security Act
    examine government's exercise of its powers under religious harmony laws
    investigations into cases of corruption

    However, the president must consult the Council of Presidential Advisers before he takes a decision on some of these matters.

    It will be a tedious and difficult decision but I will vote for u if you decided to run for presidency.

  7. 'Many people dream, many people talk but few do'.

    Mr. Tan, you belong to a group of people who 'do'; judging from your active social work and courage by asking Singaporeans to vote for a 'CHANGE' (in the GE 2011) for the poor performance of PAP government in the past 5 years. So to seriously consider to take a position by offering yourself to be a candidate for the coming Presidential Election, in which and to many are viewed as a natural extention to the good cause that you have been promoting and fighting for.

    For that you have my vote if you come forward this time around. Singapore is now at the crossroads and someone like you will be an asset that will greatly help to put things right - by bringing about the unity of people.

  8. Mr Tan, please run for President. It will not be easy. It will not be convenient. But you will have my vote.

  9. I think we should temper our expectations of Mr Tan, Dr Tan or anyone else who we believe are independant thinkers.

    The office of President, no doubt ceremonial, requires a great deal of diplomacy, right down to avoiding direct finger pointing.

    As such, there will be stituations which require silence or a neutral stance. This may appear as inaction and thus dissapointing to many who had hoped for a boisterous exchange.

    Much will happen behind the scene, since public performance of disagreements will not enhance our stable image.

    Any word uttered by the President is deemed to be official. There can be no room for callous remarks
    or suggestive statements.

    Life in the Istana is likely to be restrictive with a set schedule..
    One must prepare for it... almost like entering priesthood or the monastery..

  10. Dear Mr Tan,

    Will vote for you if you decide to run for president!

  11. Dear Mr Tan,

    I will convince my friends to vote for you too!
