Sunday, May 29, 2011

Salary of elected president

Kit Whye Chan10:33pm May 28

Can I tell you a story about golf for those who never play golf. When a tournament indicates a very huge prize money for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd winner based on stroke play, this tournament usually attract a lot of "crocodile" players to the tournament. These "crocodile "players have very low handicap, yet they under-declared their handicap to be way above their actual. Some even give it to the maximum of 24. Why? Because they are more interested in winning the prize money and by declaring a high handicapper, they stand a very good chance of beating the normal players and winning the prize money. However, if the prize money is not significant, these "crocodile" players will appear at the tournament. 
Taking this analogy to the Presidential election, I am not sure whether a person is willing to stand for the Presidential election if there is a big drop in the President salary, say to $300K per year instead of $3 million a year. I hope those who want to be a President is not attracted by the current compensation, but really to sacrifice himself for doing a service to Singapore, protect its reserves and voice out opinions that are for the good of the country.


  1. The concern expressed is real but in my opinion not present. Even a S$300K /year "salary" is BIG enough for most, provided you are qualified.
    This "job" need a superb sense of dignity/righteousness.

  2. A MP is a representative of a particular political zone.

    An elected President is a representative of a state.

    Both are representative.

    If MP receives monthly salary of $10,000+, how much President (a representative) should be paid?
