Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Unemployment rate

Hi Mr Tan,
I heard sometime back that the Spore unumployment rate dis-continue to count an employed person after 6 months.  It means that if a person is unemployed, he'd be included in the % for first 6 months only.  Could not recall where this info was from, and did not know if it's true. Also, is our way of computing unemployment rate same as other countries like US, UK?  If you have the answers, please post it in your blog.  Thanks.

I am not familiar with the calculation fo the unemployment rate in Singapore. Let me ask some readers of my blogs.

1 comment:

  1. Don't know whether it still hold true. In the mid 70s, I registered with MOL, the present day MOM. Though my particulars show that I had a trade cert, they threw any type of jobs to me viz workman unskilled(labourer), stagehand etc. They don't bother to job match as their main concern is to remove my name from the unemployment list and thus reduce the unemployment rate. Today, they are still at it, my daughter (Diploma) was offered low paying jobs like sales asst. Could be their time frame is 6 mths to remove her name from the list and create a low rate report. Anyone cares to confirm?
