Thursday, June 16, 2011

An adequate lifestyle for a retired couple

I carried out a survey two months ago to ask about the monthly expenses for a retired couple. Only 5 people participated in the survey. Here are the results. Please note that due to the small sample, the results may be unreliable:

Utilities and other expenses for HDB flat                $386
Food for a couple                                                 $450
Medical expenses                                                 $256
TV, internet, telephone                                         $124
Public transport                                                    $88
Travel and holiday                                                $414
Gifts                                                                     $67
Total                                                                    $1,785 (say $1,800)

If the retired couple owns a car, the monthly expenses goes up by another $600. If they skip holidays, the expenses drop by $400.



  1. Retired couple also must not help children with downpayment on housing or any other expense.

    They can guarantee this by not having children in the first place.

  2. This should be at 2011 value of SGD. With the present rate of inflation, one must add 4 - 6% per year for the rest of the year.

    One must also not be stricken with serious illness.
