Thursday, June 16, 2011

PAP endorsed candidate

I carried out a survey to ask who is likely to be the candidate endorsed by PAP. I received 31 responses. The top candidates are:

Abdullah Tarmugi - 5 votes
Tony Tan - 4 votes
S Jakakumar - 4 votes
Goh Chok Tong - 3 votes
George Yeo - 3 votes

S Jayakumar and George Yeo have announced that they will not be contesting. So, we have Abdullah Tarmugi, Tony Tan and Goh Chok Tong left. Will the "wisdom of the crowd" be proved right?


  1. I carried out a separate poll which is still on-going at a neutral website comprising of people from all divides and the interim result can be viewed at the following link:

    The Mighty Pen

  2. Dear Mr. Tan

    I read somewhere that you will be happy to forfeit HALf of the Annual Presidential salary should you be elected.

    I use to live in Singapore for 19 years (was from Malaysia) but is now an OZ citizen.

    I would like to encourage you to consider McCusker's stance when he was recently elected to be our Western Australia's Governor General.

    He says, he will donate ALL his salary to charity!

    Ah, sir! The standard has GONE UP indeed! The bar has risen. What say you, sir?

    U can view the veracity of this article by clicking on the link below:

    Regards, & all the best

    David , Perth
    Western Austalia.

  3. Dear Mr Tan
    Maybe you can help me understand this.

    Singapore's President is supposed to be politically neutral.

    That's why all candidates have to resign from their political parties.

    So what happens then to the neutrality when a presidential candidate allows himself to be endorsed by a political party?

    If political neutrality is NOT important, I suggest we allow all Presidential candidates to keep their political party membership.

  4. @David, it's admirable that Mr Tan has publicly pledged part of his salary for charitable causes, considering the sacrifices that he will be making. None of our leaders have done that. That is enough for me to vote him as my President. I don't need him to model after the Australian Governor as that is totally unpractical and unreasonable.

    A practical Singaporean
