Saturday, June 18, 2011

Certificate of Eligibility

It is quite difficult to fill up the form to apply for the Certificate of Eligibility, especially for an applicant (like me) who has to seek for approval under the special category of a comparable position. I have to provide the financial figures and other detailed information for four years (i.e. 2003 to 2006) and be careful not to make any mistake.

I also have to get certificate from the company secretary and the auditors and make a statement before the commission of oaths. I also have to get three referees to give a testimony of my character. Running around to get other people to sign the statements and documents is a big hassle. They are busy people, so I have to make appointments. And I am also busy!

I have to fill up the form in three separate copies (and be careful not to make a mistake). I don't know why the election department accept my application form in one copy and make photocopies for the three person committee to study. (Maybe, they do not realize that a photocopy machine exists!).

This is why I have still not been able to submit my application for the certificate of eligibility yet.

Tan Kin Lian


  1. This is the hole discourage other than proPAP candidates. The other candidates have people to do all that.

  2. Yea, the PAP only help their own people, and put up all sorts of barriers to discourage outsiders from joining any Election, EP or the GE, all the same, and when late by some seconds, ever ready to disqualify any applicant. And worse still they cover up for their own PAP members.
    E.g. Someone said the business owner of the Nightingale Nursing Home, where abuse of an elderly patient was captured on camera, is a PAP member, who was the PAP Election Agent in a GRC in the May 7th poll. What happened next is predictable, the two foreign staff abusers were never sacked, the PAP owner just got a slap on the wrist.

  3. Impress! You actually can waste time to write this post to complain.

    You are running for the president! Do you expect it to be a simple, provide email and name signup form!?

  4. I wish to remind steven.teo to be polite in writing your comments here. You are a guest in this blog. If you do not like my views, you are not required to visit my blog. There are other places that are more suitable to you.

  5. When the going gets tough and monotonous, the tough also get going and learn to enjoy monotonous too. Cheer up, Singapore President hopeful to be. Each step is a stepping stone to the goal. I wish you more patience and peace in this tough race for the Singaporeans sake.

    Soong See Choo.
