Sunday, June 19, 2011

New projects need money

In this article, the writer points out the many promises that the Government has made before and after the election. The projects will cost a lot of money and need to may draw down on the past reserves. It is important for the elected President to be able to scrutinize which projects are necessary and good for the people, and which are unnecessary and waste of money. Do you agree?


  1. Location: HDB Void Deck, infront Marsiling RC Zone 7 (off Woodlands Ave 1, opposite Woodgrove Mall)

    What happened?
    Had built a club like void deck and demolish after one year !

  2. I agree.
    With 2016 GE in mind, it is likely that the PAP government will be on a spending spree to make electorates happy. I'm all for giving more subsidies to needy elderly, but I will scream if they spend millions building a state-of-the-art Old Folks Club at Sentosa.

  3. May I suggest for the consideration of all concerned Singaporeans:

    Let's consider a website to hi-lite instances where public monies could perhaps have been better utilized.

    A sort of "white elephants around Singapore" website. Citizens can upload photos of such alleged instances. And the relevant civil service who implemented such projects can also upload their replies.

    The website can also have another section; "orphans of Singapore website"
    Hi-liting areas of neglect with photos and comments/suggestions.

    We are a very, very small city/country. There is no reason why there should be over-spending on white elephants and neglect in other areas. Not when there is an internet available.

    For Mr TKL's consideration.
    Maybe you could consider using your website on public transport for this purpose. Public transport being a subset of a larger white elephant/neglect issue.

    Yours Respectfully

  4. i felt the Bishan Park of 1.2 billion is a waste of resources which will only benefit a small group of people staying in that area.
