Sunday, June 19, 2011

International Exposure - ICMIF

Here is a message from a former colleague:

Dear Mr. Tan,
I also hope for a President who will truly promote an inclusive society which does not over-emphasise elitism, status and wealth.

Last but no least, I believe a President will be a face of Singapore, besides the Prime Minister and his cabinet, with which the international community will respect and relate.  I recalled you have held top positions in international insurance bodies in the past so I believe you will be able to fulfil the role of the President of Singapore well.

Here are the facts from
From 1992 to 1997, I was the chairman of the International Cooperative and Mutual Insurance Federation, an international organisation representing 123 insurance groups in 65 countries. (   The total assets of the members of this international federation totalled USD 1.5 trillion (which is probably larger than the total reserves of Singapore). They employed a total of 260,000 people. More details can be found here:  


  1. As per article written by Prof Tommy Koh in the straits times recently, he compare the SG EP to the British Queen and Malaysia King for his illustration.

    It seems that this is the primary role of the coming EP.

    Will Mr TKL feel confortable since he is more interested to finish the duty of Late OTC - listing of SG state assest.

  2. I want to see the role in a wider perspective than stated by Tommy Koh. I hope that many Singaporeans share my view. Do you, Alien?

  3. I follow you Blog in past 3 years. Agree with your view to a certain extent. Highly appreciate your communication with ordinary folks in this Blog. Believe you can bridge the gap between the elite and folks as an EP.

    Life is short, the EP term is short as well. Financial tsunami might come by 2013. Just choose one important role to play and play it hard.

    History will remember you like Sir Stanford.

  4. In today globalisation and internet citizenry on the rise, more and open inclusive government should be encouraged and welcomed by all sectors of administration in our nation. An evolutionary and wider perspective than the present status quo is inevitable to stay relevant and to sustain a holistic growth for us.
