Sunday, June 05, 2011

Encouragement from a student of SMU

Hi Prof. Tan

I was a staunch believer of the Singapore government and their way of doing things. But as time passes and at this present time, I finally begin to understand the simmering unhappiness among many of our citizens. I begin to see and acknowledge that there is a wide group of people that have fallen through the cracks and our country is no more what it used to be in the 1990s, a melting pot of diverse cultures but one where people who were born here cannot really call home anymore. The familiar feeling of being unfamiliar is ever present.

But alas, the elections has indeed brought about change. Today’s Straits Times mentioned about how a mother used to write to MOE but fail to get a response in the past, but now she gets a response on her feedback. This can only be good for Singapore in the long run and I believe you would act as a good check and balance on the PAP government. I have attended numerous opposition rallies and have learnt a lot from those.

I trust you would make a good president. Regarding the prospect of smear campaign, I think it is inevitable given this day and age of the Internet but I feel that as long as you are answerable to yourself and believe what you are doing is right, everything is justifiable.

Hope this personal encouragement message reaches you well and all the best!:)

Student of SMU


  1. Smear campaigns are conducted by those shallow people who don't really make the grade. Not everyone is like Vivian who tried all means to smear Vincent, engaging in personal attacks. As long as you have done nothing wrong, what is there to fear, unless you have something to hide.

  2. Well said.
    Smear campaign wouldn't hurt you if you have nothing to hide. Sue those who smear you after election. If you have things to hide then you will pay dearly too. However, if you were being elected you will be answerable to the people of Singapore and NOT TO YOURSELF only.

  3. Yes I like to comment on Vivian atempts to spear him as being gay. I think being a doctor Vivian should not have tried to stigmatise gays. It was this stigma that lead to the aids epidermic
