Sunday, June 05, 2011

Questions for Tan Kin Lian

Samantha Anne Wimala4:44pm Jun 5th
Dear Mr Tan

As a concerned citizen of this country and first time voter, I would like to ask two possibly very difficult questions:

1) If elected, how do you propose to look after the reserves of our country? I do know that you have a wealth of experience and would be more than qualified to handle the task at hand, but it would be most helpful if you could give an insight as to whether you would do anything similar or different from the past presidents.

2) Secondly, a question has emerged among netizens as to the involvement of Dr Tan Cheng Bock in Operation Spectrum. In the interest of fairness, I would have to ask you, most respectfully of course, if you agree with the manner in which the operation was handled? Also, in keeping with the theme of this question, I wish to ask (since I did ask Dr Tan the same question), if elected, would you work towards the phasing out of the Internal Security Act or do you feel that the Act is still relevant today?

I would be most grateful if you could answer my questions. It would be most helpful for us voters to have a clear insight into who we wish to see in the Istana.

I would like to end off by thanking you for wishing to run for president, and to speak up for the common man.

Many Thanks and Best Regards,

I will give my reply to your issues in due course.


  1. KL,

    Just want to let you know that your reply to question 2 will be a big factor in terms of Singaporeans' support for you.

    Right now, there is little perceivable or discernible difference between you and TCB in terms of human values and ethos.

    That is to say: to most people, you both seem like genuinely good guys.

    However, what stands against him now is his track record - his complicity in condemning all victims of Operation Spectrum.

    If he reveals that his stand has changed i.e. the government of that era was wrong to do what they did, then you might lose supporters to him.

    Similarly, if you reveal that you think Operation Spectrum was right/necessary, then there are actually no viable options for Singaporeans.

    Don't want to influence your views, but just want to let you know what you are up against.

    Last but not least, something for your further consideration: despite all that is said about Singaporeans, the majority are surprisingly quite ethical and rational human beings.

    Singaporeans also want their leaders to project this same image i.e. an image of possessing social responsibility and common sense, otherwise they would not turn to you.

    Please don't let the Singaporeans down.

  2. Let me be clear on this. I'm not trying to defend any presidential candidate.

    However, to ask TKL to comment on Op Spectrum may be a tad unfair. TCB had full facts of the case and hence was in a better position to comment at that time. For TKL to gather, scrutinise and analyse all the facts pertaining to Op Spectrum would be quite difficult and time consuming.

    We may not need to abolish ISA totally, but consider reducing its scope somewhat. It should not be used to imprison political opponents or dissidents. It may be selectively used in preventive detention of suspected terrorists for example. While these "suspects" have not committed any crimes yet, they have intention to commit serious crimes once they are released to the open. The law, as it stands today, has no way of dealing with such people. This is just one example where enforcing the ISA may be justified.

  3. Dear Lingam,
    Please send an email, with your mobile number, to I wish to talk to you.
