Saturday, June 04, 2011

An imperfect President

Read this observation by Dharmendra. They describe my character, values and shortfalls quite fairly - although Dharmendra puts them in a positive light as a friend.


  1. There is no perfect President. We don't want perfect President but good president who listens, who can relate to the masses, who isn't compromising, who isn't swayed by money, who doesn't cower under threat etc.
    I notice you are critical of others but hope you don't say a thing about other candidates, just keep to what you have to offer to the citizens of Singapore as President to safeguard their interest.
    Wish you all the best.

  2. Be wise! We are NOT perfect.

    "Everyday we do our best, to God we leave the rest. We know we cannot do better than our best, so we'll do what we can and rest".

    Mr. Tan, please submit your nomination to the elections department, the sooner the better. We see you in Istana the latest by 1st September, 2011.

  3. The most important quality apart from honesty and sincerity, is the ability to withstand fear and act in dignity. I have nothing personal against your friend, Tan Cheng Bock, but his expression of fear during the SARS crisis, did not bode well to millions who watched that episode.

    I have no doubt after reading this article, you are the best person currently, most suited for this job.

    My best wishes to you Mr Tan Kin Lian, and all my family members and friends will vote for you, if you decide to contest in the presidential election.

