Saturday, June 04, 2011

Speeches at General Election rallies

A journalist asked why I agreed to speak at the general election rallies for the NSP and the SDP and not for the WP and PAP.

The answer is simple - Goh Meng Seng (NSP) and the SDP organiser asked me to speak and I accepted. The WP and the PAP did not ask me.

Each party and each person has positive points, including the PAP. If I am invited, I will highlight their positive points and be honest about it.

I am not affiliated to any political party now (having resigned from the PAP in 2008) and have friends in all the political parties, including the PAP.

I believe that it is more important to identify the values that should guide us personally and to be shared in our society. I believe in the values of honesty, fairness, positiveness, courage and public service as explained here.

It is the values that people should focus on and not the party that they are affiliated to. I hope that my supporters understand and support me for the values that I represent. Please share your views in this blog.

Tan Kin Lian


  1. It is not easy to be impartial.
    When you have decided to stand for President election;do be careful not to be carried away in the heat of campaign. Always stay cool not to attack your opponents' characters no matter how harsh being attacked yourself. All Singporeans remember the black days when non-PAP candidates were being sued thereafter GE.

  2. Well said Mr. Tan. You are frank and honest, the two attributes most required of an elected president.

    An advice: If you have decided to contest and subsequently get elected to this position, please do not imitate the "sincerity" displayed by a few of your predecessors. As an example, talking to a soldier from a particular regiment during an inspection at the National Day Parade. President Wee started this with the utmost sincerity, reflective of his true character, but once immitated by others, it became "an event" that is imitatingly uneventful.

  3. Dear Mr Tan
    Above all else, you have demonstrated "courage in action" during the mini-bond fiasco.

    IMHO, those mini-bond investors were "orphaned by Singapore" when somebody pronounced that they "went in with their eyes opened".

    You organized them and spoke out for them.

    I have worked with & observed many Singaporean leaders.

    There are only 2 ways to accurately judge their true character (which can be very well disguised):
    a)By their actions
    b)By the people (friends & subordinates) they surround themselves with. Birds of a feather flock together.

    You have my unhesitating vote if you should stand.

  4. Well, now that we know TKL only recently resigned as a member of the PAP in 2008, he would be assessed in same way as Tan Cheng Bok.
    Would be be impartial, placing Singaporeans first, or still be under shadow of his former Party?
    We want a President with character,
    not a puppet i.e. if standing for election and winning.
