Monday, June 27, 2011

Nuclear energy

Hi Mr Tan, Thank you for your courage to step forth to be counted as one of the Presidential hopefuls. I wish you all the best in this fight to be the President of Singapore.

I have a pertinent question.

What is your stand on nuclear energy? The PM has said that we have to "study nuclear option". We know that in Singapore, that is a euphemism for "we will do it". Nuclear energy implementation take time to research and build. This matter will definitely be tabled within the next term of the new President.

Would you care to share your thoughts on your blog regarding this matter? What role do you think the President's role will be to support or veto this initiative? 

Chris Chan

Dear Chris Chan,
I think that the President does not have any authority to veto this initiative.

Personally, I do not know the seriousness of the danger of using nuclear energy in a small and densely populated place like Singapore. If I were to be in charge, e.g. as the prime minister, I would ask for the views and recommendations of the experts and weigh the pros and cons carefully.


  1. And since so many people like you have concerns, I (if I were the prime minister) would have the matter discussed in public so that the concerns can be addressed appropriately.

  2. Think now everyone knows the reasons why our energy power stations are sold to foreigners.
    The Govt has already decided on nuclear power long ago.
    Watch another wayang act on stage soon, glorifying it. PM has no time to wait, has to take action before the next GE 2016.
    This is the next instant tree to be planted to solve our energy problem. Can't wait for the Indonesians to turn off the Natural Gas Tap. Can't wait for the 2016 Election to come.

  3. What is Tony Tan or Tan Cheng Bock stand on nuclear energy? Will they comment? Tan Kin Lian has commented. Tan Kin Lian think that the President does not have any authority to veto this initiative. Members of parliament (PAP or WP) should review the constitution to give President this veto power. PAP MP unlikely to do it. WP MP MP should at least try, although we know the outcome. ??? ??? ???

  4. I verified a blogger's comment somewhere in the internet.

    Fukushima's evacuation zone is 20 kilometer in radius.

    This makes Fukushima's evacuation area = 3.142x20x20 = 1,257 square kilometers.

    Singapore's total land area = 712 square kilometers.


  5. Even a kid would say, when an accident like Fukushima's occurs in a red dot like Sinapore, everyone will be radiated. And the PAP who decided on nuclear would by then have already left the country to enjoy their retirements
    comfortably well off, leaving the people to our own fate. Die die your business, not theirs.

  6. Constitution is made by Parliament and can be amended by Parliament. Whether it happens or not is another story. The elected WP candidates can initiate this.

    I don't understand why some senior politicians etc are harping on the constitution as though it is the gospel truth and cast in concrete. There are areas in the constitution which are irrelevant now or obsolete in today's context. These must be amended.

    I suggest that the constitution be amended to transfer some powers from Parliament to President. It makes the President's job more meaningful. A similar thing is happenning in Morocco right now.
