Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Presidential Election - contest of 2 or 3 candidates

Several journalists have asked me about the possibility of dicussing with Dr. Tan Cheng Bock on one of us withdrawing from the campaign.Here is my answer:
Some people have asked me to consider talking to Dr. Tan Cheng Bock and discuss if one of us should drop out of the campaign to give the other candidate a better chance to contest against Dr. Tony Tan. But other people felt strongly that I should continue to contest the election as I am most independent of the PAP. 
I will keep the options open and will decide after the certificates of eligibilty are issued. I have mentioned this point to Dr. Tan Cheng Bock previously. I believe that he is also waiting to see what happens before he decides.
I am now quite clear that I will offer a choice to the people to vote for a person who can:
a) He will be think independently of the PAP in looking after the interest of the people.
b) He will actively seen and communicate the aspirations of the people to the government
c) He is capable in safeguarding our CPF money and the national reserves 
I will also donate at least 50% of the President's salary to charity, if I am elected. I wish to help the children from poor families to pay their school fees and elderly poor to pay their hospital bills. I also hope to get the support of other Singaporeans in contributing to this worthy cause.

1 comment:

  1. I am assuming that both TCB and TKL will get Cert of Eligibility.

    There is an article in today's Straits Times which implies that TCB will NOT consider stepping aside in a 3-corner fight, regardless of whether TKL approaches him or not. By TCB doing so, he is going to split the votes 3 ways which makes either TCB or TKL's chances of winning slimmer.

    A straight fight will give TCB or TKL a better chance of winning against TT. Since TCB is adamant on standing in spite of weakening his (and TKL's) position, I see this as TCB being more interested in himself rather than in the betterment of S'pore.

    It would be better if both TCB and TKL mutually agree who is the stronger candidate. The weaker candidate can then gracefully step aside with the blessings of the stronger candidate. Should this stronger candidate win, he can appoint the other candidate into the CPA, should the latter be interested. This strategy will be better for all Singaporeans.
